Tag Archive for: working out

Big Girl Panties

Today, I had to put on my big girl panties.


Big Girl Undies
(photo credit undetermined)
I was thrust from a comfortable, year-long situation doing Crossfit at the local YWCA into a brand new atmosphere full of sweaty people at a hipster gym downtown.

At 5:30 am-which is my peak performance time.

And I was t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e.


(photo credit-13stripescrossfit.com)
I am not out of shape, but I definitely don’t look like this Crossfitting/Beer Delivery girl. And, I’m unsure if I could hoist a keg on my shoulder and still look this cute doing it. And, once it was up there-how am I supposed to read a map for delivery purposes? It seems rather inefficient-I mean, we do have dolly’s for a reason….


(photo credit-beastskills.com)
I could not wrap my mind around doing pull-ups this way. I’ve always done the strict army pull-up and had no idea what my legs were doing as they were flinging around kicking people. I felt like a moron.

And, I’m going back for the noon class. Hey-why not? People already know I’m a moron. I might as well really reinforce that stereotype.

The only problem I have is trying to get those big girl panties tucked into my workout shorts. It’s really rather uncomfortable.

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Lovin’ my Crossfit

I’ve always been into working out.

I love that feeling after you push yourself and you stand there sweaty and panting. And I love high tops and belted leotards.


Photo Source
I also love keeping my heart healthy, my cholesterol low, my body strong and my gut in check during mealtimes. It’s hard to be tempted by french fries when you know you have to run 3 miles the next day.


Photo Source
Biceps and I did P90X for several years, perfect for a life on the road of touring. If we didn’t do P90X, I would go to the usual running 3-5 miles a day and weight lifting.

But, recently with Biceps getting the firefighter’s position our lives have changed, and I spend 1/3 of my time at home-alone. I needed something new, something challenging and something to get me out of the dang house.

Cue “Crossfit”.


I was given a free 7 day pass to the YWCA close to my home-close enough that I can bike to it since we just have the one car. After just a few classes of Crossfit, I was hooked. It pushed me to try harder and go further than I would on my own-and my classmates are encouraging and really stinkin’ cool.

So, after selling a few things and pinching our pennies, I signed up for a year-long membership to the YWCA.


This tough little number, Christina, is our trainer. She’s the perfect mixture of butt kicker, teacher and motivator. Plus, I really just don’t want to make her mad. She could level me with one uppercut, I’m sure.


Somedays, I don’t want to go to Crossfit-when it’s 99 degrees outside and I have to bike the 2 miles there and back, I run through the excuses in my head.

But knowing that I need to see other humans, and need to practice my “double unders”-(two rotations of the jump rope with only one jump -see above photo), I keep going back. And keep getting bruised and whip marks and I keep loving every minute of it.

If you’ve ever done Crossfit, you probably either loved or hated it. For me, I am in love.

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