Tag Archive for: maze

A Mysterious Maize Maze

The parental units were in town recently And since all four of their spawn reside in Tulsa, they had a full schedule trying to keep up with all of us.
The spawn decided to try and make it easy for the units-they’re old and get confused easily.
With the spawn’s spouses in tow, we all converged simultaneously on a pumpkin patch, situated very much south of town.

My sweet sis-in-law and mother of the four boys, paid for all of us to enter the ‘Mysterious Maize Maze’.
That isn’t the name of the maze, but that is was what I called it. The name reminded me of a Nancy Drew book title. Ah…Nancy….

Now, the city folk would call this a ‘corn maze’. Which is technically true-maize is corn, but not the kind you are thinking of. So, to be technical, it’s a Maize Maze. I just added the ‘Mysterious’.

Biceps, my Iowan farm boy, made sure we all knew this wasn’t something you would throw on your grill. You make sorghum from this stuff, which is a deep, rich, molassesy type substance my pop-in-law loves on his cornmeal pancakes.

This guy would probably never try sorghum. And I am referring to the tall one, not the short one.

I’m not sure the little guy would either.
The little guy does love weaponry, however. He made a gun instantly from the maize canes. I had a few strikes to the shin that made me second guess my whole stance on little boys and guns.

And then a few strikes to the arm, elbow, back and side made me second guess my stance, once more. I suppose I deserved the beat down from the elf, since I scared the tar out of him, hiding from him in the mysterious maize.
I don’t call it ‘Mysterious’ for nuthin’.

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