Two days ago, I dropped off my MacBook at the Apple Store so that they could repair a manufacturer’s defect-free of charge. The bottom casing had been made improperly, causing it to separate from the computer. I found out there was a recall on the part and threw my hands up in the air like I just didn’t care, because for the first time, I felt like Apple was on my side.
(Apple and Sprint do not receive Christmas cards from me, if you know what I mean.)

However, the last time I dropped off my computer, somehow the “geniuses” managed to erase my entire blog and every evidence therein that I had ever had a website. Not one single shred of html coding, pictures or information could be found on my computer, on MobileMe or even on my hard drive-although I had recently backed it up. And, there was “nothing they could do.”
It was awesome.

So, even though this was a “simple fix” that shouldn’t take more than five minutes (two days), I was apprehensive about leaving my computer. I felt ridiculous acting as if they were taking my first born, but they really didn’t try to reassure me, either.
(Real conversation between me and the “genius”):
ME:”You promise you won’t have to log into my computer and access any information?”
GENIUS: “No, we can’t promise that.”
ME: “Well, aren’t you just taking the bottom casing off? Why would you need to get on my computer?”
GENIUS: “To make sure it is working properly after we repair it.”
ME: “Oh. So, you aren’t confident that the repair will be done properly?”
GENIUS: “It should be done right, but you never know.”
ME: “Hm. Will there be data lost?”
GENIUS: “Shouldn’t be, but there could be.”
ME: “Hm, again. Glad I backed it up. How long should this take?”
GENIUS: “You are first on the list, so probably tomorrow morning. But we’ll call you-if we remember.”
Awesome, once again.

I left my computer with aforementioned “genius”, said a quick prayer for its safe return and walked slowly out of the jam-packed store. I took my time, wondering if I should change my mind and rush back to grab the thing before they got their hands on it.
I decided to leave it behind, knowing they also offered to replace the entire screen and top casing, while they were at it-also free of charge. I would basically have a brand new computer if I would just leave it with them for a day (or two).
And surprisingly enough in those two days, the world did not end-in fact, it kept on turning and moving and changing. All without me at the helm. I think I learned a little bit of humility.
Imagine that. Maybe they are “geniuses”….