Tag Archive for: handmade notes

“Handmade” Goes Straight to my Heart

There is nothing better than receiving a handmade letter.
Not an evite. Not a text. Not an email.
I am talking about a piece of paper covered by an envelope, written with familiar handwriting, decorated by familiar hands.
Here are a few of the most creative, the most meaningful letters I’ve received.

Biceps and I hosted my BFF’s birthday party this year. And what does that little stinker do? She not only made this awesome ‘thank you’ note, but brought us a lovely bottle of wine.
This note still hangs on my fridge.

A bow-tied, binary code spouting robot was the focus of this thank you postcard from my baby brother.
I love his bent antenna and the flower that he’s sort of holding. It’s the detail in the ‘artwork’ that really counts.

A thick envelope overtook my tiny mailbox. Curious, I immediately tore open the seal and gazed upon a beautifully done wedding invitation. This creative invite came complete with an antique key tied by a fuzzy red piece of yarn.
It must have cost the couple a fortune to mail these out.

When I flipped over the invite, a page from an unidentified novel was sewn to the back. So clever, so cute, so different. Just like the couple.

Biceps crafted this two tone love note years ago-just because. Or maybe it was due to the fact that I had made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and topped it with bunny tracks ice cream.
But, I really can’t remember.

Another note from my Baby Brother that has gained a permanent position in my ‘Forever Keep’ file.
Besides the cut out letters creating the creepy ransom note look, it appears innocent enough.
But wait for it…

…ah, there it is. The weirdness of my Baby Brother prevails once more.
For the record, I have never made him ‘moonshine’.

This is another little love note from Biceps on my-you guessed it, twenty-fifth birthday.

I certainly wasn’t expecting that. What a sweetie. So sensitive to my paranoia of getting ‘old’.
I told Biceps that sometimes a store bought card is not a bad option.

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