Tag Archive for: God

Guess who’s back?

I have had so many wonderful emails, facebook messages, texts, etc. sent my way about our little Maxwell being sick. He has had us scared for quite some time. Even the doctors were scared. That’s never a good sign.


His white blood cell count was low and he had a 105 degree temperature (apparently, 101 is the normal temperature for a kitty). He was moaning, panting and dry heaving for days. We had to feed him watered down canned cat food with a syringe and he wasn’t stoked about that process. Nor was he stoked about the process of having his temperature taken.

I have the scratches to prove it.


After a visit to the vet on Saturday, an emergency visit at 2am Monday morning and a 9pm emergency visit that same Monday night, we thought we might lose him. There was absolutely no reason behind what was going on in his tiny, furry body.

We prayed. We pleaded. We asked our friends and family to pray.


My anxiety level rose to an unhealthy level and the Lord reminded me that anxiety is not of God. He brought to mind 1 Peter 5:7 which says, “Cast ALL your cares upon the Lord, for he cares for you.”

I resigned to trust Him, to let go of my control, to understand there was no understanding and to rest in my Savior’s arms.

Maxwell is home, resting. We are believing for a full recovery-he hasn’t been declared “healed” by the doctors, but I declare him healed in Jesus’ name. But even if he isn’t, I will trust in my God. (Daniel 3:17 & 18)

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Directions to Life

This statement has been floating around a lot lately-“I just feel (insert one of the adjectives given) and I don’t know what to do.”

The bummer thing is, I don’t have the answers-sorry. And as I get older, I realize how dumb I am and how much more I have to learn about God. But, I’m so grateful that He gave us an instruction manual that outlines exactly what to do with any situation we face.

I have to be honest, there have been times in my life where scripture was meaningless. The Bible was just a lot of letters on a very thin page that my stupid man hands tore accidentally.

Until I needed his word, I didn’t see a need for it. So, maybe today you are searching. Maybe you aren’t. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll meet someone that needs to hear God’s truth about them. In any case, it’s better to be prepared.


Are you feeling abandoned or forgotten by God? Do you feel he is distant or not listening to you?

Listen to what His truth says about you!
Deuteronomy 4:31-33
For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your ancestors, which he confirmed to them by oath.
Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created human beings on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of?


Do you think your life has no direction, or are you unclear which way to go?

First, quiet your spirit (literally-sit quietly) in order that you may hear what he needs to say to you. Secondly, ask God for wisdom. Solomon asked for wisdom-when he could have asked for anything else. Because he asked for it, God gave him wisdom that caused foreign kings to marvel.

II Chronicles 1:11 & 12
God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king, therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you.


Do you have unanswered prayers-things that make absolutely no sense at all? Are you mad at God? Do you feel like he let you down?
These verses encouraged me when I was at the lowest point in my life-and continue to do so today.

Psalm 18:16
He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.

Isaiah 41:13
For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.


Has someone deeply wounded you, abused you or traumatized you to the point where you aren’t sure you can forgive? And is this person even a professing Christian? I’ve been there.
I know that’s been one of the hardest thing for me to do-to forgive a “brother” in Christ.

Genesis 50:17
This is what you are to say to Joseph: ‘I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly.’ Now please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of your father.” When their message came to him, Joseph wept.

Luke 6:37
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

At any time when I feel depressed, lonely, or needful in any way-I’ve learned that all my answers lie within the pages of my well-worn Bible; which is falling apart and has a few slightly torn pages bound between the emerald green leather cover. Before too long, every last line of that thing will be highlighted, underlined and starred. As it should be.


If you need someone to talk to, to pray with, or just to have on the other end of a computer-I’m here. And I love to make new friends.

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I will rise early and praise You.

My favorite time of the day is the early morning: the quietness of the world is calming to my own heart, the coffee is percolating-reinforcing that my home is my home, and the cats are a little frisky, but not overly frisky. They are just frisky enough to humor me.

My head is clear from yesterday’s worries. I may sit in bed for a few more minutes after Bicep’s has vacated the house, sip on my coffee and spend time with my God.


But, if the sunrise is too ridiculously awesome, I will hurriedly strap on my running shoes and a hoodie to begin my early morning run.


I take each mile to chat with God about someone in my family or in my circle of influence. It keeps my mind off of what I’m doing and helps me to focus on others, instead of myself.


He reminds me during our morning chats that He was around when the Romans built this. And, He was there to watch it crumble.


He was there when the Germans built this. And, He watched it fall.


He’s received millions into His kingdom, but hasn’t forgotten a single one of their names. Nor has He forgotten my name, or the names of those who don’t believe and He desperately wants to know.

He can be in my home, chatting it up with me while I cook dinner, or out on my runs, or when I hide in the closet because I’m frustrated. He never leaves me nor forsakes me.


And, He knows all my dirt and He’s forgiven me. And I have some dirt-just ask around.

He forgave me. Little old, tiny Tulsa girl, me.

He gave himself to be sacrificed in the most horrific way-beaten, flesh torn apart, humiliated, abandoned, and left for dead-so that I can be washed clean and be in His resurrected presence.
And he did this for you, too. And that person you don’t like very much. And that irritating slower-than-snot cashier at the grocery store.

That’s why I will rise early, with joy and praise Him. I can’t imagine living any other way.

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Merry Christmas-the inside scoop

Dear Readers:
Not often do I share my faith in God on this site. I know that some of you believe the same way that I do, and some do not. But, I want you to know why I believe in the one true God, in His Son that died on the cross to save us from our sins and from death, and the Holy Spirit who guides us and comforts us.


My journey with God has been long one. It has been very painful at times, but in the end-even the pain has been beneficial to my growing and to my present faith. Just like a child learning what “no” means from the parent’s lips, so have I learned what “no” means from my heavenly Father.
I have made major mistakes (still do) when I haven’t listened to him. Ones that have caused heartache for myself, for my family and for those closest to me. What I learned is that I am forgiven of these mistakes and my slate has been washed clean. And yes, I have been forgiven, but I still have to deal with the ramifications of my sins.


So, I desperately need God on a daily basis-He is my compass and the one I look to when everything around me is crazy. He is the one that takes those consequences of my sin and helps me learn from them, ask for forgiveness, and then move on.

Without God in my life, I would be a mess. An uptight, legalistic, selfish mess. Even with God, I trend towards this lifestyle on a really bad day. Just ask Biceps.

I cannot imagine the pain God had to feel when he saw his only Son die on a cross-to save me-a dirty mess. I can’t begin to know what it would feel like to loose a child, and not only loose a child, but to offer that child as a way to save the world.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16


I am thankful for the God that knows me and my dirty mess-why I do things like dress up with curlers and take pictures hammering the air-and still loves me enough to die for me. There just isn’t any other way to live life. If you have questions about God, or want someone to talk to and pray with you-send me an email (rebekahgreiman at gmail dot com).

I don’t know everything, trust me. Like I said, I am on that journey myself.

But I do know that God is relentless, He will find you and love on you, if you’ll just let him.

I really hope this year you will receive the best gift of all-Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas.

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