Tag Archive for: dad

Took a Week Off from ME for a Happier Thanksgiving

My personality, left to its own demise, is a get-it-done-right-now personality or lead others to do it with a strong arm. I am a high “D” in most aspects of my life-and if any of you don’t know what that is, here is a quick excerpt from Indy Smallbiz.

General Characteristics – High D’s are direct, decisive and very self confident

Communicating with a High D – They don’t like a bunch of detail, so you must be brief, direct and to the point.

Positive Characteristics of High D – They are good leaders and are great in crises. They consistently set and achieve goals. They are task orientated and can provide direction and push a group toward decisions. They are also willing to speak out and give their opinion, and they always see the big picture.

Weaknesses – They come off as blunt, direct and brash

Blunt. I’ve been called that a time or two. Ouch.


Each time my parents have visited in the past, I’ve had to go through a decompression time with Biceps. I talk through all the ways I failed to show unconditional love to my family, failed as a self-professed Christian and have inadvertently hurt someone with my words.


I try to justify my harsh responses when someone pushed me too far.

However, “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45


Meaning, when I spew out awful things, it’s because my heart has been focused on awful things.

Yikes. That stings a mite.


Why is it so easy for me to focus on the negatives, when I have SO many positives in my life. Here is my list of positives that will become a cheat sheet for me next year:

1. Amazing, Godly parents and in-laws who are still in love.
2. A wonderful older brother who married a beautiful woman whom he loves and is faithful to.
3. A giving second older brother who would kick anyone’s butt that ever messed with me.
4. A younger brother who chose an awesome woman to marry, who works hard and understands my weirdness.
5. A hot husband who puts God first, me second, our families third, the cats fourth and everything else after that.
6. My health and the ability to wake up every morning and move around on my own two feet.
7. A God who has forgiven me, my stupid mess of a life and who loves me more than I can imagine.
8. The list goes on and on. You get the idea.

What is your cheat sheet for next year?

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Veterans Day in 3 Pictures

Yesterday, I enjoyed the Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown Tulsa. Several people I knew were participating in the parade and my friends and I enjoyed waving our flags from the sidelines, gathering our candy (for the kids…) and honoring our heroes.

However, one participant stood out more than all the others.


The parade route was an hour long. This man walked the entire thing.


As I watched him slowly walk by, the pride on his face was evident. Tears were in my eyes and I couldn’t help myself as they fell onto my cheeks. And then he looked straight at me.


“Thank you!”, I shouted to him. I don’t know if he could hear me over the rumble of motorcycles, the shriners in tiny Mustangs and the diesel trucks pulling floats.

Thank you-Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Bill, Uncle Ron, Jacob Smith, Sam Bieber, Andrew Vasey and everyone else that have sacrificed your bodies, time with your families and yourselves in order for me to have my freedom. And so that I can stand on the sidelines of a parade and root for you. Thank you.

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“Integrity is what you do…

…when no one is looking”. I can’t tell you who said this-heck-I even googled it (or as my mom says, “goggled” it). I have heard this my whole life-however-I have not adhered to it my whole life. Who doesn’t try to get away with the little things once in awhile?

Here are a few examples, embarrassingly enough, where I have been a woman of less than integrity and where God has knocked me down a peg or two:

“I just go 4 miles over the speed limit. Everyone else does.” Bam! Speeding ticket.

“Of course I didn’t stuff my bra, Mom. Those are kleenexes for later.” Bam! Grounded and forced to write 6 inches out of the dictionary.

“She forgot to charge me for the stuff at the bottom of my cart. It’s a big corporation, it won’t matter to them.” Bam! Convicted and went back to pay for my “free” stuff.

“They left it behind-guess it’s mine now.” Bam! Convicted and they asked for it later, which was awkward.


I hated being less than honest-and worse-I hated being caught. I felt like I had to weave more and more webs to cover up what I had done.

I decided long ago when I was humiliated for another lie, to no longer live that way. Black is black and white is white-even if the world seems to think there are 50 shades of grey.

Here’s what God says about integrity:

“In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality.” Proverbs 12:28 (I’d like to have a long life.)

“The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.” Proverbs 10:9 (I want to be secure in who I am.)


Of course I still screw up constantly and make a thousand mistakes on a daily basis. But, above all, I want to make my dad and my Dad proud. This is what is promised me if I do:

“In my integrity, you uphold me and set me in your presence forever.” Psalm 41:12 (That sounds pretty awesome.)

“May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you.” Psalm 25:21

Ever since I decided to live a black and white life, I don’t have to wonder what I need to cover up, who I’ve told what or what I’ve omitted from which conversation.

It’s so simple. It’s so freeing. Why didn’t I do this years ago?

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The Green Tureen

Grandpa has decided to downsize, following the loss of his second wife. My parents flew out to help him pack up what he needed, sell things he didn’t need and clean the house he would be eventually selling.

And I reaped a few of the downsizing benefits..


Knowing my affinity for serving dishes and all things party related, Mom set aside a few things for me to enjoy. I fell in love with this immediately.


The Green Tureen sits proudly on my gigantic dining room table-mainly because I can’t bear the thought of hiding it away behind some cabinet door.


I may have to throw a soup and bread party just so that I can utilize its awesomeness. This must be honored and enjoyed by more than just me and the cats.


The platter that the Green Tureen sits on will be a conversational piece all on its own if the Tureen isn’t up for the event. I can picture cheeses, fruits, vegetables all gracing its beautiful green surface.


These are the only markings on the dish. I wish I knew more-how old it was, who made it, etc. For now, it remains a beautiful and glorious mystery that is begging to be useful.


Who wants to come over for some soup tonight?

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