The Final Farm Days
I heart Iowa.
I heart the black dirt. I heart the farms.
I heart the people.
But, my heart is breaking. I just experienced an end of an era in Iowa.
Grandma is moving to town, and the family farm is now a rental. A rental?!
The farm has been in the Greiman farm forever. I mean it, FOREVER.
The family converged last weekend to throw on the rubber gloves and get down to the nitty gritty-cleaning out cobwebs and paper-rock-scissoring each other over things Grandma no longer wants.
We accidentally came home with a 6 x 12 trailer full of stuff that is now piled in my living room.
Yikes. It stinks to be so good at paper-rock-scissors.
The scene above is one I have witness many times over the years. The large pile of ‘whatever’ burning next to the old grain bin.
I heart burning things in the field.
Grandma’s house is wonderfully simple. It has a huge attic, an enormous basement, 3 beds and 1 bath. Hubby’s parents just installed a dishwasher and a shower upstairs-for her future tenants.
She hasn’t had either of these things for 94 years and she’s never complained about it.
The life on Grandma’s farm is simpler, quieter, and less full of quality coffee shops. You win some, you loose some.
I will miss the farm, but most of all, Grandpa. We just lost him last fall.
I never thought I couldn’t go back to the farm. But, life moves on.
I am so thankful that I have the memories and the bits of their life safe back home with me. I will show you some of my treasures soon.
Did you know that I heart Iowa?