Only old, crazy ladies are into cats. Right? However, this dog obsessed generation hasn’t met ‘Cowboy the Cat’. Or witnessed some of his weird ways. I am convinced that if they had, they would love him just as much as I do. So, let me count his weird ways for you and you can judge for yourself.

Number One: This is Cowboy the Cat ‘relaxing’. I think the comfy couch would have been a better choice, but to each cat his own, I suppose.
Number Two: This is Cowboy the Cat’s position in order to lick his armpits. Very, very weird.
Number Three: We are so sad when we have to shave Cowboy the Cat, but we must. Simply put, he has too much fur ‘fer his own good.
Number Four: This is what Cowboy the Cat looks like after a nice, close shave. And we giggle. And our friends giggle. But The Cat now has so much less fur to maintain everyday. I believe it’s a real win-win for everyone involved.
Number Five: I think this photo speaks for itself.

Number Six: As Cowboy the Cat watches a PBS special on hummingbirds, his furry little body sits unmoving for thirty minutes. And he is wearing a cape. I guess the cape is really my fault, if we’re getting technical. The list goes on, but we’ll stop for now.

My weird cat. I love him and his weird ways.