Archive for category: Place of Interest

Due to High Demand-More Pretties for your Ocular Senses

I got a lot of flack for my post, “Pretties for your Ocular Senses“. There were comments on my site, facebook and twitter asking for more photos-saying there has to be more. You people can be so demanding.
And I love it.

So, to appease you and to fluff my own feathers, I would like to share some more “Pretties”. The sky was a dark gray this day, deepening the green of the fern. I fell in love all over again with God and His creativity in making over 12,000 different types of ferns. That’s a lot of ferns.


Slow down your shutter speed and what do you get? Smooth, almost frozen in time waterfalls.


This little guy greeted us to our hotel room and came home with me. He now hangs out in one of our guest bathroom’s tub.


I will leave you with this beauty of a hydrangea. Can you handle this being the end? I know if you can’t, I’ll hear about it. And, I am looking forward to it.

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Ancient Fire Station in New York

Biceps and I have been keeping a secret from all of you, dear readers.
We want to start a family. Let’s be honest-I’m gettin’ old.
But in order to do that, we knew we had to make some radical changes. Biceps went back to school, got his EMT certification and is on the path to become one of Oklahoma’s finest Firemen.
Mustache and all.

He is volunteering at a local station in Oklahoma while we’re home. But financially-it’s just that-a volunteer position. While we are pursuing this career switch and waiting on a paid position, we are still touring around with stinky bands. Due to all of this, our little eyes have become more keen on fire stations around the country.


This fire station (built in 1895) is one of the oldest and hottest fire stations in New York. Tee hee.


It’s been converted into a venue-which is why we were here with the band.


Our fire stations back home are mostly made out of the same thing that our churches, cattle yards and strip malls are built out of-gigantic metal buildings with absolutely no character.


Nothing like this.
Bicep’s mustache grew an extra centimeter just laying his eyes on this here station. And my heart skips a beat thinking about the possibility of our life being somewhat “normal” and pro-creating. So, my dear readers-there you have it: our big secret. I know you’ve all been wondering about us and why we’ve waited for so long. Wonder no more…

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Giant Tortillas, Old West Style

Ah, Scottsdale, Az. “Land of the Giant Tortillas”.

Or at least, I think that’s the city’s slogan. I could be wrong. I have been before. It’s at least our slogan for obvious reasons…


Now, let me give you a little backstory to these two shots of Biceps and the food that we partook of.


Old Scottsdale is a historic section of the city that is now mostly overrun by snow-birds. I feel a little more at home than most tourists, claiming my right to the town via my Grandpa, Aunt and Cousin who still live there. Plus, I knew what to wear-my Luchesse’s. They sound fantastic clopping along the plank sidewalk.


They look great as I stand next to hundred year old missions made of baked mud bricks.


And they fit right in as I am chowing down on the best mexican food Scottsdale has to offer-Los Olivos.


Los Olivos is a bizarre structure, full of nooks and crannies….


…with pottery that sticks its tongue out at you…


…and skylights that cast a blue hue throughout the restaurant.


It’s family owned, been around forever, and has a separate dance floor with a retractable roof-just in case you’d really like to dance under the stars.


And of course-it makes these ginormous tortillas. They are thin, served warm and taste like the cast iron griddle they were cooked on. Biceps and I ordered an extra side of tortillas just to take back to our hotel room.


Los Olivos-you’ve done it again.

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Pretties for your Ocular Senses

The rain has been relentless these past few days and I love it. The rain reminds me of Europe, of comfort food, of cozy blankets and hot cups of tea.
Get your ocular’s ready. You are about to have an ocular freak-out session.

It also reminds me that right now my rain barrels are brimming with free water for my garden. Free. I love that word. (Learn how to make your own rain barrel here.)

But mostly, the rain just makes everything more beautiful. And I’d like to share with you three beauty shots that the rain had a part in creating.

Drizzly rain, hot coffee, a sandy beach and Biceps=the perfect San Diego morning.


I happened upon this plant in Scottsdale and have no idea what it’s named, or what it wants to be called-maybe Gerald, Harry or perhaps Monique-but whatever his/her name is, it’s unique leaf display caught my ocular’s.


This shot of the sun rising over California somewhere wasn’t enhanced, retouched, cropped or straightened. It’s Raw, baby.
And fantabulous.
Hope your ocular’s could handle this much beauty in one day. I’ll stop for now, just so you aren’t ocularly overloaded. I hope you enjoyed my “Pretties”.

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