Archive for category: Touring

The Beaches, The Earthquakes, The Tornadoes-The Whole She-bang

Dear Readers:
Have you heard that Oklahoma keeps having earthquakes and tornadoes-simultaneously? Have you wondered, as I have, why this land-locked state is receiving not only the backhand from the nature, but the forward slap as well?
I think I may have the answer: I think it’s my fault.

While on tour, we stopped off in San Diego. One gray morning, Biceps and I walked to the beach with our hotel cup of coffee and enjoyed the ocean coming to shore.


Contemplation set in as to why Biceps and I chose to put down our roots in Okie-land, instead of a place such as this.


The ocean drew me to her and soon the cuffs of my pants were wet. Oklahoma and its dirty lakes came to mind. I tried to reassure myself with the choice of our hometown.


I made the comment that at least in Oklahoma we only have to worry about tornadoes while these San Diego-ans have to worry about hurricanes and earthquakes.
So, I think someone is setting the record straight for me that we are not exempt from another form of natural disasters.


Therefore, I believe it is my fault. I am so sorry to anyone that might be reading this that lives in Oklahoma. I am so sorry, Oklahoma as a state.

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Stonehenge-where the demons dwell…

In case you aren’t familiar with this quote-it’s from one of my favorite movies, “Spinal Tap“. If you’ve never seen this movie, you probably should. Especially if you happen to love metal/hair bands from the 80’s, have ever been on tour with a band, or in a band, or perhaps married someone in a band.

I will warn you, it’s one of those “watch a couple of times to get it”, though.
The first time I saw it was way before I met Biceps, before I entered the world of bands, back-stages and men in tight pants. I watched it with my roommate at the time, freshly graduated from college, sitting on our khaki colored sofa in footie pajamas.
This is not how you watch Spinal Tap.
You must watch it after attending a ridiculous hair/metal show or after sweating all night while your son/daughter/friend’s band plays at the local pub. Or after being on tour with stinky guys for several years, sharing a hotel room with them and scrounging for dinner in the green room.
Then, it is funny.


Now on to the real reason of this post-Stonehenge is not as far away as you think.


You don’t have to fly across the big pond to check it out. You can do it right here in Rolla, Missouri.


This is an exact replica of the original. Of course, it’s not the full-sized Stonehenge, but you get the idea.


With the sun’s help, you can tell exactly the day, month and the moon’s positioning just by seeing where the sun ray lands on this rock.
Pretty cool.


What else is cool is when certain people (my father) insist on having their picture taken with said Stonehenge. And since he’s paying for gas back to St. Louis, I will oblige him. He’s pretty cool, too.

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The Ghost of Biceps

On this day, I thought it fitting to be a little spookier than usual. A little woo-hoo and what not.
One must ask oneself, is what I’m seeing about to see an apparition or perhaps a ghost? Is this the dreaded and feared “Farty Spirit of Biceps”?

Or could this be a simple slideshow built for my pure amusement?

You’ll never know, (insert evil laugh).

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Spooky Ghost Hotel for your Anniversary?…

…no thank you. At least, not again.

Ten years ago, Biceps and I stayed here-at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We had no idea that the hotel had a major calling card and it was a spooky one.
They claimed their hotel was “haunted”.
By ghosts.
Romantic, huh?

Courtesy Crescent Hotel
We were in the dark about all of this ghost nonsense. To us, it appeared whimsical in its brochures-may I remind you this was before the whole “internet thing” really took off.
I liked the historical aspect of the hotel and Biceps liked it because it was close to home which would help save on the gas expense.


Courtesy Crescent Hotel
Typically, I would never even speak of this hotel, mainly because I am a major wuss. But I was reminded of our “romantic get-away” recently when someone mentioned they had enjoyed the hotel spa. The hair on the back of my head, my arms, and both of my eyebrows stood up. This was not an attractive moment for me.


Sure, I can handle a chop saw, talk drywall installation, drive a 45′ entertainer coach for stinky bands, and install hardwood floors. But stay in a supposedly haunted hotel? No way. It’s not that I believe in ghosts in the way that they are portrayed in movies. I do believe there are icky spirits, waiting to scare the crap out of me if I allow it. And I do get the heebie-jeebies when spooky things are supposedly present.


I attribute my heebie’s and my jeebie’s to my sensitive spirit, my delicate nature, my innate wussiness.


Courtesy Crescent Hotel
If I remembered correctly-this was our room. Of course, Biceps went right to sleep, snoring occasionally.
I, on the other hand, did not sleep a wink. My heart literally could be heard outside of my body. My palms were very sweaty. I lay there saying over and over, “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of sound mind.”
I’d like to say that I am more mature than all of this, but it’s an area that I’m still working on. Shoot, the movie “Chucky, Child’s Play” still freaks me out to this day. I am so far from perfect…
So, for now, I will avoid these spooky situations and drink a glass of warm milk if need be.

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