Archive for category: Hotels

Oh Cecilia, You’re Breakin’ my heart….

If you don’t know this song by Simon & Garfunkel…please click here.
Then come back here. Or else.
Well, Cecilia…you’ve done it again. You’ve broken another heart.

All I wanted were a few pictures of your magnificent landscaping, the sky blue pool, the uber private rooms, the sassy ‘member’s only’ lounge area….

I had no idea, Cecilia, that you were so exclusive and that even these shots that I had already captured were strictly ‘Verboten!’.

Yes, I felt the vibe from the yard crew as they gave me the stinkeye…but I had no idea, Cecilia, as to the reason why.

I was in love with you, my dear. From the cruiser rental bikes to the perfectly manicured lawn, you had captured my heart. And then, something horrible happened-something embarrassing.

As I snapped what would now be my very last photo of you, Cecilia, I was asked to leave…rather politely-but still-asked to leave, since we were not guests.
I turned fifteen shades of red.
Don’t worry my lovely Cecilia, when I am filthy rich and cruising through Texas once again, I will be back in your arms. And I will have forgiven you for shutting me out-for breakin’ my heart-because that is what true love is.

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