Archive for category: The Home Life

Mary Magda-kitty.

I can’t believe the cuteness that I am surrounded by on an daily basis. Between Biceps, Maxwell and Bianca, there is no end to me oohing and ahhing in our house.

And, here is proof.

Seriously. How am I supposed to get any work done when this is happening right under my nose?

The answer: I don’t. I just have to give in to the cuteness, and not try to fight it.

Everyone is happier that way.

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Guilty Pleasures

Dear Readers:
I have a confession to make. I am a simple girl in a materialistic world. I have found a few simple pleasures that I enjoy, and I enjoy them fully.


Peppermints. Simple. Cheap. One bite is all I need to feel decadent. Crush them up and add to ice cream, melted almond bark, or in a brownie and you have heaven.

And this leads me to brownies.


I’m not getting paid, compensated or fed brownies for saying this.
These are $2 a box, guilt free, amazing brownies.
“What? How can that be?,” you say. It just is. Try them. Trust me.


I keep finding, buying and apparently collecting these vintage Swiss metal serving dishes. I haven’t paid more than $10 for a set. The bright colors make me smile. I think that’s worth $10.


I’m not getting paid, compensated or given free products for saying this-I wish they would, though.
When I can’t wash the mop top, I use this product. With a few spritzes, the greasiness goes away and this stuff allows me one more day before I have to shampoo.


I have found too many awesome ceramic cats. Nuff said.


I’m not getting paid, compensated or given free products for saying this-AGAIN, I wish they would.
This was a gift from Biceps on a day he deemed, “Pamper Day“. I love this cuticle cream and it resides on my night stand. Each night as we recap our days, I smooth the lotion into my cuticles. And it’s awesome.

These are a few of my guilty pleasures. I hope you share in them, too. It might make your day, your week, or your new current obsession.


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Free “Bachelor” Bingo

Monday nights are “Family Nights” at the Greiman homestead. I make a pot of soup, broil up some bread and invite our relations over for an easy dinner and exciting conversation. But the main conversation as of right now is: “The Bachelor”.
I decided to make things a little more interesting by creating “Bachelor Bingo” cards. It makes for watching obviously scripted reality television even more fun.


The concept was simple and the family loved taking our nights to a whole new level. With a few highlighters and my printed bingo cards, the stage was set for a night hilarity.

Here’s how to make these for yourself, whether it’s The Bachelor you are watching, or any other ridiculous reality show you might enjoy.


First, I wrote out any sayings, scenes, ridiculous date ideas or anything else involving the Bachelor out on a little scratch pad.


Then I typed it up in a document. If you are running low on ideas, you are welcome to use my list (just please give credit where credit is due!).


I found this website, that lets you print out randomized bingo cards for free.

Pay dirt.
(I am not getting paid to review this site, received no kickbacks, and no free stuff thrown my way. I wish they would, though. Geesh. What a bunch of tightwads….)

I clicked on the, “I’ve read enough. Let me generate bingo cards” button.

Next, I clicked on, “Custom bingo cards with your own word or phrase lists.”

Lastly, I clicked the option, “Create custom bingo cards.”


That got me to this page. I chose a “free” center square with “The Rose” as the square’s contents. I made a few more choices on this page before I copied and pasted my lists into the 5 columns offered.

I chose to keep my list private, and chose the output type as “Bingo Card”.


After clicking the “submit” button, and then on the next page clicking on, “Click here to get your first set of custom bingo cards”. This is what was generated, which I just printed off.

The list was completely random-which you can choose to do, or you can make column headers and make categories for each column.

I liked the randomness, as did the family. It kept them guessing throughout the entire show. I can’t wait to play again tonight!


Because I will crush them, just like I did last week. Prepare yourselves, family, for a beatdown.

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I will rise early and praise You.

My favorite time of the day is the early morning: the quietness of the world is calming to my own heart, the coffee is percolating-reinforcing that my home is my home, and the cats are a little frisky, but not overly frisky. They are just frisky enough to humor me.

My head is clear from yesterday’s worries. I may sit in bed for a few more minutes after Bicep’s has vacated the house, sip on my coffee and spend time with my God.


But, if the sunrise is too ridiculously awesome, I will hurriedly strap on my running shoes and a hoodie to begin my early morning run.


I take each mile to chat with God about someone in my family or in my circle of influence. It keeps my mind off of what I’m doing and helps me to focus on others, instead of myself.


He reminds me during our morning chats that He was around when the Romans built this. And, He was there to watch it crumble.


He was there when the Germans built this. And, He watched it fall.


He’s received millions into His kingdom, but hasn’t forgotten a single one of their names. Nor has He forgotten my name, or the names of those who don’t believe and He desperately wants to know.

He can be in my home, chatting it up with me while I cook dinner, or out on my runs, or when I hide in the closet because I’m frustrated. He never leaves me nor forsakes me.


And, He knows all my dirt and He’s forgiven me. And I have some dirt-just ask around.

He forgave me. Little old, tiny Tulsa girl, me.

He gave himself to be sacrificed in the most horrific way-beaten, flesh torn apart, humiliated, abandoned, and left for dead-so that I can be washed clean and be in His resurrected presence.
And he did this for you, too. And that person you don’t like very much. And that irritating slower-than-snot cashier at the grocery store.

That’s why I will rise early, with joy and praise Him. I can’t imagine living any other way.

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