Archive for category: The Home Life

Heirloom Seeds & Sweet Readers

I love you, my dear readers.

I know that others may say that-but I mean it so dang much. I wouldn’t continue blogging if I didn’t love each one of you-even the weird ones (actually, the weirdos tend to be my favorites-Gwen at the Bold Abode, you know I’m referring to you).

I know others make money at blogging, but the windfall of $15ish dollars that I make from my few advertisements every other month really doesn’t do much for me. True, it buys me a few Starbucks cups of coffees and that’s nothing to ignore…

The reason I blog is that I love to create and share with others that appreciate what I do. I eat up your sweet comments and your encouragement over my projects. In fact, I have one lovely reader that has been so supportive and comments on my blog so often that I feel like we are old friends-her name is Janice.


She was kind enough to send me snail mail after she read my Garden & Landscaping Preparations post, where I highlighted my favorite seed catalogue-“Gurney’s”.


We are in the same climate zone and she was interested in expanding my seed loving horizons beyond Gurney’s. Janice sent me this catalogue from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. (I, nor is Janice, getting a kickback from this catalogue. I just wanted to share with you something that I love.)


Immediately, I found a new obsession within the beautifully photographed pages of the catalogue. Any company that sells purple cauliflower has the part of my heart reserved for all things “garden”.


All of the seeds from Baker Creek are heirloom, non GMO seeds. And the varieties they offer of each plant is breathtaking.


I have never seen a white or orange watermelon in my life.


And not only did she send me this wonderful new catalogue that I can’t put down, she also sent me a variety of heirloom seeds for both my vegetable garden and my flower bed.


I had to look up most of the seeds, being unfamiliar with most them. I can’t wait to get out in the dirt and start planting my fancy new seeds. This gardening year is going to be spectacular!

Thank you, Janice, for blessing me with such a unique and wonderful gift. I am excited to get planting!

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Easy Baked Tortilla Chips

Biceps has a definite “sweet tooth”-he caves at the sight of brownies, chocolate chips, and ice cream. I, on the other hand, have a “salty tooth”-put a bag of chips in front of me and watch my will power crumble.


I (and my waistline) needed to find a replacement for store bought chips. I’ve often seen recipes that require frying tortillas in oil-which ups the calorie count considerably. I decided to experiment and bake my own chips.


Here is the calorie breakdown:

One Guerrero tortillas equals 55 calories and makes about 4 chips. There are even lower calorie tortillas-this was just what I had on hand. (Whole Food’s brand are a little less at 46 calories per tortilla).


Here is what you will need to make your very own Easy Baked Tortilla Chips:

Tortillas of your choosing-I used corn tortillas
Table Salt
Kitchen Sheers


Preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Stack 2-3 tortillas on top of each other and cut into fourths.


Lay the cut tortillas on an ungreased cookie sheet.


Dip your fingers into water and sprinkle the top of the tortillas.


With a dry hand, sprinkle salt onto the tortillas. (I failed to dry my hand off and the salt stuck to my fingers. Please forgive me and learn from my mistakes….).


Bake at 350 degrees for 5-7 minutes or until crispy, turning once.


Eat the chips while they are still warm, paired with your favorite salsa. Feel awesome knowing you did something a little better for your body.



Linking up here, along with other parties:
Today's Creative Blog

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Cross Fit-My Current Obsession

I don’t get into new fitness crazes. They’re just not for me.

But, I do enjoy those leotards. Holy cow.

(I am not getting paid, endorsed or receiving any kickbacks for this post. I am just sharing with you something that I love!)


I have never done jazzercise,


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pole dancing or ‘Sit and be fit’.


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See, I’m old school. I like the good old fashioned clanking sound weights make as I struggle through a set. I look forward to eating my raw eggs in the morning, strapping on my chuck taylors, my gray hoody and then running up an extremely long set of stairs while it’s snowing.


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And, I have always enjoyed eating healthy-minus the occasional cravings of mozzarella sticks which produces the overwhelming feeling of regret the next day.


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I did share with you how much I liked P90x. This is a difficult workout that incorporates all of the old school aspects that I love, along with a great butt kicking from Tony Horton that makes you want to die.

Biceps and I have done P90x for three plus years, while mixing in some of our own workouts/runs/bike rides. It’s good for me to have a definite start and stop to my workouts. Otherwise, I get distracted emailing all of you back….


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Anywho-every once in awhile, I need to mix things up. I decided to try a Cross Fit Class at my local YWCA when I was given a free 7 day pass from a friend. I fell in love and am currently scheming how to come up with monthly fee in order to become a full fledged member. (I am thinking of selling off my plethora of cat fur to that strange lady that knits purses out of animal hair.)

Cross Fit mixes cardio, weights, stretching and endurance. Every day I come home very sore, but loving the amount of energy that I’ve expended. Then, I complain about it to Biceps until the next class rolls around. He’s such a patient man.

If you’ve done Cross Fit or P90x, I’d love to hear what you have to say!

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Things I’ve learned about Easters

Yes, I typed “Easters” on purpose. And, if you don’t know the reference, then I command you to watch Nacho Libre. That’s an order-or at least a very strong suggestion.

But, this isn’t about Nacho Libre. This is about Easters and the things that I have learned about it over the last 3 decades. Fasten your seatbelt. This is about to get cuh-raaaaazy.


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1. They aren’t “deviled eggs” in Christian households.


Photo Source (again with my embellishments)
2. They are called “angeled eggs”.


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3. The Easter Bunny didn’t come to our house, unless Grandpa was in town. And, I’m not sure I’d really want a visit from this bunny anyways.


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4. Peeps are gross.


5. Cadbury eggs are not. They can last a young girl an entire week of nibbling-if the chocolate supply is running low in aforementioned young girl’s home.


6. Ham is always tastier if made by Grandma.


7. But, most importantly what I have learned about Easters is:

I have been forgiven of all of my sins because Jesus took them on and sacrificed himself for me over 2,000 years ago. I can’t imagine doing that for anyone-especially for someone as jacked up as me. But, He did.

All that I had ever done and will do was nailed to that cross. But Jesus is no longer nailed to the cross-he is alive. He died, went to hell and took the keys of death away from Satan. Now, Jesus is my advocate, seated at the right hand of God, whispering to God that he loves me and that he’s forgiven me. I don’t deserve to be a part of God’s holiness, but because of Jesus, I share in that inheritance.

He did it for me and he did it for you. Happy Easters!

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