Archive for category: At Home…

The Mysterious Handkerchief Box

Two small boxes, wrapped in matching snowmen paper, sat below a tiny Christmas tree at Grandma G.’s home last year. Both were labeled, ‘Rebekah or Mel’. Grandma informed us that we would have to decide who gets what box.
After a quick wrestling match, complete with a few well-placed uppercuts, my sis-in-law Mel chose her box first as I nursed my bloody nose.
Once I had recovered, I removed the snowmen paper, revealing this mysterious box.

Grandma had no recollection of where she purchased the box, how long ago she had done so or who had made it.
Mel’s box was quite similar, but the shape was more rectangular. Her box was labeled, ‘Gloves’.

Other than the hinges you see here, the box was entirely made of wood which was exquisitely decorated.

There is no ‘maker’s mark’ on the box anywhere. I have investigated it thoroughly. (They don’t call me Nancy Drew for nuthin’).

The inside lid of the box is almost identical to the outside lid, sans the hand painting.

It’s so delicate, so unique. Grandma even included two handkerchiefs which still live inside the box.

I would love to know the history behind this mysterious box-the maker, the possible time period it was created and how it was crafted.
If you know anything about this handkerchief box, please let me in on your secret. This curious kitty is dying to know.

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“Handmade” Goes Straight to my Heart

There is nothing better than receiving a handmade letter.
Not an evite. Not a text. Not an email.
I am talking about a piece of paper covered by an envelope, written with familiar handwriting, decorated by familiar hands.
Here are a few of the most creative, the most meaningful letters I’ve received.

Biceps and I hosted my BFF’s birthday party this year. And what does that little stinker do? She not only made this awesome ‘thank you’ note, but brought us a lovely bottle of wine.
This note still hangs on my fridge.

A bow-tied, binary code spouting robot was the focus of this thank you postcard from my baby brother.
I love his bent antenna and the flower that he’s sort of holding. It’s the detail in the ‘artwork’ that really counts.

A thick envelope overtook my tiny mailbox. Curious, I immediately tore open the seal and gazed upon a beautifully done wedding invitation. This creative invite came complete with an antique key tied by a fuzzy red piece of yarn.
It must have cost the couple a fortune to mail these out.

When I flipped over the invite, a page from an unidentified novel was sewn to the back. So clever, so cute, so different. Just like the couple.

Biceps crafted this two tone love note years ago-just because. Or maybe it was due to the fact that I had made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and topped it with bunny tracks ice cream.
But, I really can’t remember.

Another note from my Baby Brother that has gained a permanent position in my ‘Forever Keep’ file.
Besides the cut out letters creating the creepy ransom note look, it appears innocent enough.
But wait for it…

…ah, there it is. The weirdness of my Baby Brother prevails once more.
For the record, I have never made him ‘moonshine’.

This is another little love note from Biceps on my-you guessed it, twenty-fifth birthday.

I certainly wasn’t expecting that. What a sweetie. So sensitive to my paranoia of getting ‘old’.
I told Biceps that sometimes a store bought card is not a bad option.

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A Cain’s Wedding-Luchador Style

So, most of my friends are weird. That’s why we get along.
I have this one friend in particular, that not only has blown up one of our rental properties, but has also shot a 16 penny nail through his finger with our framing nailer.
This weirdo’s name is Beau.
Beau asked Biceps to be the best man at his wedding, which was quite an honor. Biceps was able to stand alongside his best friend throughout the entire event, enjoying the transition of single Beau to married Beau.

The wedding took place at the historic Cain’s Ballroom in downtown Tulsa. The guests were in for a treat and they didn’t even know it.

The ballroom was outfitted with bistro tables, mood lighting, yummy appetizers and a beautifully lit stage.

The ceremony took place on the same stage that Bob Wills, M. Ward, Weezer, and many other ‘super awesome famous people’ have graced with their presence.

Here’s our buddy waiting center stage for his bride. Biceps (the hottest guy up there in a tux-in my opinion), is just to the right of Beau.
This is the third time that I have ever seen my Biceps in a tux. It was a momentous occasion.

This wonderful woman made a good choice. Beau is pretty awesome. But she’s pretty awesome, too.

And together, they are both awesome enough to have realized what every wedding has been missing since the dawn of time.


After the newly crowned ‘man and wife’ had left the stage, after the pictures had been taken and after the cake had been cut; the lights in the ballroom dimmed and the music swelled.
The entertainment had begun.

Strutting up towards the stage, bedecked in spandex and face masks, the Luchador’s took the stage. The outfits were skin tight, brightly colored and ridiculous.

Small children were frightened, big children were rooting for their favorite character and the Luchador’s ate up every last bit of attention.

Eventually, a ‘winning Luchador’ was declared and the audience would retreat to the dance floor until the next match was announced.
We enjoyed watching a ‘Panda Bear’ wrestle a ‘Meter Maid’, a ‘Lion’ fight a ‘Money Grubber’ and two others I couldn’t quite tell what they were-duke it out, enjoying the boos or the cheers from the crowd below.
The Luchador’s were definitely one for the record books.

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Tasty Turkey Meatloaf-Quick Cook Method

Meatloaf comforts the soul as the weather decides if it’s going to be cold or warm.
In those in between times, grab some lean ground turkey and make a belly-filling, yummy-tasting, soul-comforting meal for the ones you love.
Paired with Baked Rosemary Potatoes, this is sure to please.

This recipe is enough for a whole family, or great as a leftover if you are just a two-some.
Which we are. The cat gets nothing.

Here’s what you’ll need for Tasty Turkey Meatloaf:

2 LBS Lean Ground Turkey (or beef if you are into that kind of thing)
1/2 C Finely Chopped Onions
1/2 C Fine Bread Crumbs (Toast two slices, tear them into pieces and run them through your coffee grinder)
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Basil
1/4 tsp Oregano
1/2 tsp Garlic
1/4 + 1/4 C Ketchup
1 C crumbled Tortilla, Frito, or any Plain Chips (I save the crumbles from my bags, freeze them in a ziplock
and use them for this recipe)

Preheat your oven to 350.

Put your ground meat into a medium sized bowl. Add the 1/2 C of onions.

Add your 1/2 C of bread crumbs. Shoo away the birds if necessary.

Ok, that was stupid….

Try using your left hand to crack your egg open, while photographing the action with your right hand. It’s a fun alternative to the normal way.
(Add your egg.)

Let’s spice it up! Add the 1/2 tsp Basil.

And the 1/4 tsp Oregano.

Finally, add the 1/2 tsp Garlic.

Dump in your 1/4 C of Ketchup.

Now get in there and get dirty! A spoon just won’t do it-you must use your mittens (hands)….

Here’s a secret I learned a long time ago in making meatloaf-make a ring out of your meat. It cooks so much quicker and the entire loaf is moist.
It changed my life.
Seriously-I didn’t like meatloaf until I discovered this secret.

Make a pretty ketchup pattern on top of the meat ring. Biceps loves ketchup, so I added a little more than this picture shows, just for him. He’s worth it.

Add the 1 C of crumbled chips on top of your meat ‘ring’.

Add a little more ketchup on top of the chips-this ketchup will brown and taste, oh so good.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, or until the center is no longer pink.

Once done, let your meatloaf sit for a few minutes before serving. The juices will soak back into the meat if you do this.
I take this time to pour myself a glass of wine and dish up my sides. Then, I a slice off a considerable amount of the meatloaf and enjoy it to my heart’s content-and I share some with Biceps.

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