Archive for category: Snaptures

What happens when two artists Collide?

If you don’t already know, I write for the regional paper, ‘This Land Press’. I have a bi-monthly column called  “Together in Tulsa“. I like to find unique couples from Oklahoma and let them tell their story.

And because I am obviously so weird, the photos I take of the couple are weird.
My latest couple, Yiren and James Gallagher, are now online for your viewing pleasures.

Yiren and James Gallagher are both artists with talents including, but not limited to; art installations, painting, drawing, wood working, etc. Hop on over and read all about how they make it work together.

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A Big, Fat Iranian Wedding (times two)

I have the coolest writing gig-I get paid to write a bi-monthly column called ‘Together in Tulsa’ for the regional paper, ‘This Land Press’. I’ve been doing this for two years now and loving it. And if this information is new to you, now you know.

I find unique couples in the Oklahoma area, interview them, design a photo set for them and then ‘kapow!’-photograph them. (Most of the photos are bizarre-or different-as my Dad would say.)

And, after my article has been edited for the millionth time (you know who you are, Mark…), it is printed in the physical newspaper first, and then put online a couple of weeks later.

This is my latest couple-Nick Doctor and Mana Tahaie.


The couple had planned to originally tie the knot at the justice of the peace. But, Iranian mothers don’t take “no” for an answer. Soon the couple had two weddings back to back, a house to close on and a speeding ticket to get out of-in a matter of two days.

Read more about Nick Doctor and Mana Tahaie here.

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Playing with PW’s Action Sets

Since buying Photoshop CS 5, I have spent numerous hours clicking away at layers, color options, exposure settings and Action Sets. I have fallen in love with the Pioneer Woman’s Action Sets. With the click of a button, Action Sets provide a basic foundation for a photo that can then be adjusted to your heart’s content.

Here is the beginning RAW photo I took on an overcast day in San Diego. The lighting was flat, the sky was gray and the photo was pretty unimpressive.



I used the Action Set “Colorful” here, but also adjusted the photo by adding a lot of cyan to the sky and ocean.


This is using the Vintage Action Set. I also adjusted the darkness layer, adding a little bit more exposure.


I liked the Seventies Action Set for the most part. It left the photo a little bland in my opinion.


Still using the basis of the Seventies Action Set, I added a little more cyan hue to the photo and darkened the edges of the photo. I liked this option the best.


However, comparing any of these Action Sets to this original photo is an improvement, no matter what. Do you have favorite Action Sets? How would you have edited this photo?

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Look what I got!

I have been pinching my pennies for a long time, hoping to upgrade into Photoshop CS3 or better. What I wasn’t expecting was for Biceps to come across Photoshop CS5 on craigslist last night.
The seller was asking $325 for the whole kit and caboodle.
Since it was after the witching hour, Biceps offered to go across town, while I stayed snuggled in my PJ’s.


He returned a few minutes later with this. Holy crap. It was really mine.
And, the best part-that savvy husband of mine negotiated the seller down to $300.


Everything was intact and working perfectly. I was more excited than a bear at a bee farm.


As I learn new tricks, I’ll be sharing them with you, dear readers. It’s going to be a fun journey.
But, instead of doing anything worthwhile with it today, I’ve mainly been playing.
And that’s why you are seeing even more of my weirdness. Hope you enjoy.

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