Big Girl Panties
Today, I had to put on my big girl panties.
(photo credit undetermined)
I was thrust from a comfortable, year-long situation doing Crossfit at the local YWCA into a brand new atmosphere full of sweaty people at a hipster gym downtown.
At 5:30 am-which is my peak performance time.
And I was t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e.
I am not out of shape, but I definitely don’t look like this Crossfitting/Beer Delivery girl. And, I’m unsure if I could hoist a keg on my shoulder and still look this cute doing it. And, once it was up there-how am I supposed to read a map for delivery purposes? It seems rather inefficient-I mean, we do have dolly’s for a reason….
I could not wrap my mind around doing pull-ups this way. I’ve always done the strict army pull-up and had no idea what my legs were doing as they were flinging around kicking people. I felt like a moron.
And, I’m going back for the noon class. Hey-why not? People already know I’m a moron. I might as well really reinforce that stereotype.
The only problem I have is trying to get those big girl panties tucked into my workout shorts. It’s really rather uncomfortable.
You crack me up! Loved this one.