Why I read the Bible
Dear Readers:
Some say it’s a crutch for the unintelligent. Some say it’s an outdated book full of stories and fables. Some say you can’t trust it because humans wrote it.
I say it’s that only thing keeping my gross, ugly side at bay.
It’s the only thing that pulled me out of a terrible, depressive state when my fiance dumped me (rightly so). The whole world, I felt, was against me. I was asked not to come back to my college classrooms by my professors. I lost every single one of my “friends”, save two. I moved off campus to avoid the constant looks and whisperings. I shrank down to 98 pounds. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep.
But, then I read, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.”
Psalm 18:16
I knew God could restore me, but would He? Did I deserve His love? After all, I was one messed up human, full of sin and nastiness.
But then, I read this, “If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored: If you remove wickedness far from your tent.” Job 22:23
I had to change-in a real way. I hated what I had become-a self-righteous, indignant person that could easily judge others, but with little moral compass for myself. I was so embarrassed when my charade was up.
I wanted to be back in God’s graces, but I didn’t think I deserved His love and his salvation. It seemed everyone else had it together but me.
Thank goodness for God’s Word. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
All have sinned? That means Mother Teresa, Billy Graham…and me?
I realized that I was and still am a sinner in desperate need of a Savior. I confessed my sin to Him and He forgave me. He washed me clean. He gave me a fresh start. Daily, I have to still do this because I am still so imperfect that I screw up constantly.
Even though God had forgiven me, I still had to deal with the consequences from the mess I had made. I had to endure the awful phone calls from my ex-fiance and his family. After all, I felt like I deserved some more punishment. It couldn’t be that easy-could it? You can’t just ask for forgiveness and actually expect to be forgiven-can you?
Then, I read what the Bible had to say.
“Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” Acts 26:18
I couldn’t believe that one day I might be standing in the throne of heaven, surrounded by great men of faith like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Paul, Luke, John the Baptist…but I will. And reading the Word reveals to me that these “great men of faith” screwed up constantly. Abraham and Isaac lied several times about who their wives were, Paul was a murderer, Jacob had to wrestle with God. I seemed to fit right in.
If you don’t know God, or if you feel under condemnation for your past-start off by reading Romans. And then, email me. I’d love to talk with you about who you are in Christ. He takes the old and makes it new!
Thanks for this Rebekah! This post speaks to me today as I read this morning, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) It’s an issue I struggle with daily. I believe many do. It’s not possible to be perfect so when I let my mistakes go and turn to God, He can step in with the fullness of His power. Thank God! I couldn’t do it alone!
Love your blog!
Thank you for this. I love this scripture, too. One of my favorites. God’s grace is soooo sufficient for us, isn’t it?
Thank you, Rebekah! It is not often that a blogger will post about sin and our filth. Most will talk (and preach!) about Christ dying on the cross for “us,” but simply leave out “for our sins.” Every single day is a battle. All of my life I will battle with sin and it can never truly be removed until I stand with Christ in heaven.
And how ugly sin will always be. God’s grace and mercy and Christ interceding for us is the only thing keeping us from the consequences of sin. How awesome it is! Thanks for your faithfulness and devotion and your public stand!
Another example I love of a “screw-up” is David. He murdered Uriah for his wife. And yet, he was a great king of Israel, was put in the Hebrews “hall of faith” chapter 11, and the Lord put away his sin (2 Samuel 12:13).
I really love to read your posts on your faith. It is awesome you remain faithful to God and His word. Thank you!
I love your blog. Every time I see something in a bottle or package, I wonder, “how would Rebekah replace this and what recipe would she come up with?” Then I go to your blog to see if you have a “solution” to that problem.
I have been making butter, all purpose cleaners,oatmeal facial scrub, and eye makeup remover in your style for a while now. You inspire me to come up with a homemade solution and save money, on a daily basis! I’m hooked!
Thanks again,
You are so sweet to leave a comment! I love what you had to say about David. He was a man after God’s own heart, but boy did he make some mistakes. I can’t wait to meet these guys/gals in heaven and hear the rest of the story!
I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed my homemade recipes, too. I haven’t turned back yet-love my oatmeal face wash and my aloe vera facial moisturizer. It just feels right to take care of your skin the same way I take care of my body and my home. Toxin-free and with natural/organic ingredients! I’m so thrilled to hear that you like the recipes! Yeah!!!!
Hi, Rebekah. This is your neighbor on Sandusky. I am actually Evie’s grandmother, not her mother, but I appreciate the compliment. I have been checking out several things on your site and I wanted to thank you for this. I had a similar situation with a break up about a year ago and I am grateful for every bit of suffering I endured because it brought me closer to the Lord and gave Him an opportunity to reveal Himself to me through His Word. Anyway, I knew there was a reason that Evie couldn’t stop wondering about and talking about the lovely lady on the business card who put cookies into her mail box. I have learned not to discount her ideas when they are so strongly and innocently expressed and I am glad that I decided to let her make the cookies and bring them to you. She loved her card and the little gifts that you left yesterday. She has been wearing the ring and put all of her coinage into the little pouch. Thanks again. Please feel free to stop by any time… if you need to borrow anything or just want to visit…. and, bring Biceps….
Your neighbor,
I’m thrilled to finally know your name! I’ve just been referring to you as the “cookie mom”. There is no way you could be Evie’s Grandma. I want proof!
It’s good to know that sharing my hurts/failures/what I’ve learned in my short life, resonates with another.
I’m so glad you found my letter/gift I left for Evie. I stopped by kind’ve early and only knocked a few times. I was worried I might wake you. Biceps and I will definitely stop by again soon!
Wow – I love this post that you wrote.
I am the first to admit, I don’t read the bible near as much as what I did when I was a young girl but I think about God and Jesus every night before I sleep – I make a point to do it each night.
I think it is really refreshing to find a person that feels comfortable about publicly announcing their sins so to speak. We all make mistakes in our lifetime, we are only human and it’s just part of human nature.
But what I love, is that you are reflecting, taking the time to consolidate and try be a bigger and better person. I think that is more or less the moral of the lesson and the spirit to leading a good life.
My philosophy is that in order to want forgiveness – we must also practice forgiving the people around us, even the ones that have truly been the most horrible of people. We each have our stories and way of connecting to God too – I think its great that you have found a way to be at peace – x