What I may end up with- A 1968 Yamaha YCS1
Biceps and I have been looking for an affordable second car. However, we are cheap/frugal and aren’t about to clean out our savings to do so.
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Biceps has been busy researching CNG vehicles-which is a vehicle that runs on compressed natural gas. CNG is an expensive addition to most cars, but if you can find one already converted-the savings on fuel is outstanding. The average cost of fuel is $1.11 a gallon. Hello!
Meanwhile, I have been busy researching this. A 1968 Yamaha YCS-1. It’s cheap, easy to work on and gets amazing gas mileage.
To be perfectly honest, it scares the living daylights out of me to think I’d be driving one of these around the crazy streets of Tulsa. Biceps has promised he will teach me how to handle this and prepare for all problems, mishaps, breakdowns, etc.
Still, yikes.
But, I don’t venture too far from home anyways-I like it here, why would I leave? I do have to travel a few miles to the gym daily and to the grocery store when it’s necessitated.
If I end up with this, my only two questions are-what kind of cute basket could I put on the back to carry my belongings? And, what type of helmet comes in uber small for my little noggin’?
Cross your fingers. This lady might be heck on wheels before you know it.
How will you get to church when Biceps is working? How will you carry groceries? How will you get somewhere in the rain? I vote no or let Biceps drive it to work.
Hey! Rebekah There is a Harley at my house that is the alternative mode of transportation for “the dad” to get to work. It is a life-saver as far as gas is concerned w/ a daily 60mile commute. But weather is definitely a factor. No traveling below 45degrees & no rain in the forecast. I agree w/ your mom – let him ride the bike – you get the car. Works great at my house!:)
Hi Rebekah! I just stumbled upon you today and I LOVE YOU! I’m freaking out at how much I love you, but that’s another mile long email haha, Anywhoo…..I have one of these motorcycles! Actually we have several around this time period! Unfortunately I am in Washington state so riding together is impossible lol, but I freaked when I saw this post, cuz it was just one more reason for me to say, “OMG I freakin love this girl!” My hubby restored a 1969 Yamaha for me a few years ago when I decided I was sick of the gas prices and wanted a more frugal form of transport to work. Problem is, he did such a great job on it and got so much attention for his efforts, that it now sits on display at our local Yamaha dealership! Oh well, I’m still proud of him
Hope you get your dream cycle and happy riding!
P.S. I’m off to the health food store tonight to make me up some facial cleanser, eye make-up remover and facial moisturizer
You rock!
You seriously made my night! I’m so glad that you stumbled upon my site. I can’t wait to go and visit yours! I am so excited to hear that there’s another chick out there that digs motorcycles. I get a lot of head nods and um-hms when I talk about them ’round these har parts! Let’s hear if for the girls!
Let me know how the facial cleanser, etc turns out. I am still rockin all three and absolutely love them, and the savings! Woo hoo! Peace out!
Hi there! I have to chime in…. I was poking around the internets for old ads featuring 1968 Yamaha YCS 1s, and came upon your wonderful blog. I also have the same motorbike as you! (Meet the EXCITERS! That’s us! hehe)
I’m up in St. Louis, and once a month my boyfriend and I put on a vintage motorcycle night in town. Peeps come from miles around! Love to see another lady on a hip lil Yamaha. If you and your guy would be up for the road trip, it’s a good time. Let me know if you’d like more info about it. Take care!
My parents live in St. Louis, so the next time I am up to visit (they usually visit all of us since we all live here in good old Tulsa), I will look you up! This sounds like a lot of fun-thanks for the invite! I love that you are tootling around on an old school Yamaha. When I met my hubby, he had an old 60’s Honda-avacado green. It was so beautiful and such a pain in the butt-but…I loved it.