3 Minute Fudge

A good friend of mine stopped by with her husband and this recipe for 3 Minute Fudge one evening. I am not a fudge girl-for the most part. But, she changed my thinking that evening with her deliciously easy fudge recipe-and I haven’t looked back since.


This recipe is so simple, it’s hard to believe. Within 3 minutes, the fudge is made and you can sit back while it cools in the refrigerator.


Here’s what you’ll need to make this quick, yummy dessert:

(2) 12 oz Semi sweet Chocolate Chips
(2) 14 oz Sweetened Condensed Milk
(1) Stick Butter-room temperature
(1) C Finely Chopped Walnuts


Combine the chocolate chips and the butter in a microwavable safe bowl.


Add the 2 cans of sweetened condensed milk.


Cover the bowl with wax paper. Microwave for about 3 minutes, stirring every minute, until everything is melted and smooth.


Stir in the cup of walnuts.


Spread the mixture evenly into a greased 9 x 13 pan. Cover and let the pan sit overnight in the fridge.


Slice into 1″ squares, pour a glass of wine, call a few friends over and enjoy!

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for the entire world. Deal with it.
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32 Responses to "3 Minute Fudge"

  1. mom says:


  2. Jessica @ Stay at Home-ista says:

    You are right, so similar to my recipe and super easy! Love it.


  3. Katie @ Little Becky Homecky says:

    Thank you for linking this up to Fantabulous Friday @ Little Becky Homecky!!

  4. Loribeth says:

    What a great recipe! I never make fudge because it’s too much work. Now I no longer have an excuse.

    Loribeth @ small-moments-blog.blogspot.com

  5. Megan says:

    Great recipe! Can’t wait to try it out. Megan

  6. Steph @ Crafting in the Rain says:

    My very favoritist fudge is my moms recipe…it’s a take-a-couple-hours-cook-on-the-stove kind. (so I make it at Christmas only) But I love easy quick ones like this–I’ll have to try it!

  7. Cheryl@ Sew Can Do says:

    Wow that is easy. I love fudge so will definitely try this! Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday at Sew Can Do:)

  8. Lisa says:

    This looks scrumptious and I love how easy! Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday 🙂

  9. Kathy Brenden says:

    Rebecca – this is so easy as to be hard to believe, but you have to know I’m socking this one away for next Christmas! I’m too much a candy-aholic to make it any other time. Yummers!

    • Rebekah says:

      I feel the same way when I make something in the candy category. I have to have a special reason, or there are sure to be extra hours spent on the treadmill!

  10. Lori says:

    Fantastic, quick way to create one of my favs…thanks for sharing

  11. Shoregirl says:

    Sounds delicious! Pinning this for future use!!

  12. Debbie {visual eye candy} says:

    Looks delicious! Of course if I were to make this I would want to eat the whole thing. I think I’ll have to make it and bring it to someone!

  13. Kara says:

    These look yummy! I’ll have to try it 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  14. Jill says:

    Oh wow – that looks so tasty – and REALLY easy to make!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  15. Megan and Emily @WhimsicallyHomemade says:

    So I tried this recipe this past weekend for an Easter get together with family and it turned out great. I’m recovering from surgery and I needed something easy and quick that looked like I spent a ton of time on it and this was perfect. It was a big hit too! Thanks for sharing this. I’ve got you bookmarked, pinned, and I’m following! I would love to feature this post next week in my Favorite Finds post with your permission of course 🙂

  16. Pinkoddy says:

    Hmm this doesn’t look like the kind of thing that could be eaten in moderation. Thanks for sharing I love fudge and I love things that don’t take long even more.

  17. Amy@One Artsy Mama says:

    Featuring this recipe tomorrow at One Artsy Mama’s Top 10 Thursday!

  18. Karima says:

    Wow – what a great idea – definitely pinning this!

  19. gail says:

    I love fudge, but if I made this, I’d eat the whole thing! I have a fudge for one recipe that I make in the microwave…. it’s just enough!

    great quick recipe! thanks for sharing at catch as catch can.


  20. angie says:

    how very yummy love that it is quick as well

  21. Angie R says:

    That.. LOOKS so YUMMY! Thanks for sharing!


  22. Just Winging It says:

    Thank you for participating in Show Your Stuff Blog Hop, You are invited to come back:

  23. Rebecca @ Natural Mothers Network says:

    Wow this fudge looks so good and it’s so easy to put together- always an attractive option for me! Thanks for sharing this with us on Seasonal Celebration. Enjoy a great weekend! Rebecca @ Natural Mothers Network x

  24. Gillian says:

    Yum! This looks super tasty! Might need to try this one of these days! Thanks for sharing:)

  25. Claire @ Polkadot~pretties says:

    Thank you for linking up this fabulous project…
    Can’t wait to see what you have been up to this week!!
    This weeks linky party is now up !!
    Claire x

  26. Megan and Emily @WhimsicallyHomemade says:

    Hey there! Just wanted to let you know we featured you in our Favorite Find Fridays post over at Whimsically Homemade this week. We used one of your pictures. If that’s a problem let us know and we’ll removed it immediately. Thanks for you great inspiration!

  27. Onna says:

    Yum! This looks delicious! :]

  28. Beth @ Aunt Bs Kitchen says:

    Wow! Easy Peasey! I’m trying this for sure. 🙂


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