Plethora of Cans, Ideas and Your help
Dear Readers:
I am a minimalist by nature; the garbage can and the goodwill drop-off locations are my dearest friends. I often get into trouble for throwing something that we needed away.
That said, I am beginning to do something I swore I would never do. I am “saving up” for a project. What that project is, I don’t know. But, by golly, I am saving this stuff up for it.
These Wasabi Pea cans are just too good to throw in the recycle bin. And with each passing week, one more can is added to my stash.
Since all of you are a bunch of crazy creative nutjobs-just like me, I need your creative input on my multiplying can collection.
I have already made lanterns-Can You? I can, I CAN!. I am not opposed to making more of these, if I have a purpose for them. I know I can do the obvious luminary, too.
The cans are 7″ in heigth-tall and skinny (just like I like ’em).
And they have a plastic lid that snaps on very tightly.
So, here’s your assignment, creative ladies:
Before I am featured on the show “Hoarders”, what do I do with these cans? Your input is much appreciated.
How about lashing them together to make a desktop organizer, hang sideways for socks or accessories. you could make a cool outdoor chandelier with twinkle lights and the stripped cans….painted they could be a great height for wildflower arrangements… (can you tell I too have been collecting cans??
I would spray paint them(on the outside only) and make a hole on each side and use a wire to make a bendy, spirally cute handle. You can then let the kids decorate them with stones, stickers etc. or you can decorate them for a holiday. fill them with goodies or favors for a party or school function. (if you got paint on the inside put some tissue paper in first) Tie the handle with raffia or cute curling ribbons and attach a tag with the name of the recipient or just a saying like” Happy Easter” “Just because” etc.
Oh-I like the outdoor chandelier idea! And, I need to go buys some more xmas lights for the backyard anyhow! Thanks Amy for the ideas!!!
You could even plant herbs in them!
I love this idea! I could do that and give them to friends as gifts, too. Thanks!
Fill them with cookies and give them to your mother! Or make chocolate banana bread in them. Or fill them with quarters and give them to your mother–wait make that $100 bills.
These are all excellent ideas. I will have to mull these over and get back with you….
Paint the outside fabulously, use wire to wrap around and maybe a suction cup for the window to make a container herb garden. Or use the wire and hang it from a curtain rod and let them dangle a different heights???? Wouldn’t it be cool to make an ivy valance with potted ivy hanging from a curtain rod all the way across a window; like 6 of the cans filled with ivy getting all busy and natural looking about a foot below the top of the window…I think I will need to do this myself; will post when I get it going!
Kelly-I would love to see the ivy curtain! I think it sounds beautiful. I might try this sort of idea on my back porch. I’ll let you know if I get it started!
Mod Podge the outside with pretty paper & use as a reuseable gift container.
Paint the outside and use to store ribbons, small toys, fake flowers, brads, etc.
Wrap yarn around the outside.
Hello!! I use my old cans and mod-podge the outside with tissue paper and ribbons, and plant flowers in them. I put them on my front steps to greet visitors! Its a great craft for kids too! The mod-podge seals the outside so it protects the paper and ribbons from the rain, etc.