Gross Things-Volume 1

For those of you who think I might keep a perfect house-it is now time for me to inform you that you are sadly mistaken. Over the next few days, I am going to get really real about what goes on in the Potholes and Pantyhose homestead.
Today, I am about to show you something that is rather embarrassing.

We have two very wonderful, but very furry kitties. I love the fur on their bodies. I don’t love it all over everything in my house. It’s gross.
But since they do super cute things like this, they are easily forgiven and doted over.


Change the scene to my sleeping habits. In typical girl fashion, I sleep under two extra blankets to Bicep’s one. Today was the day to wash aforementioned blankets.
I pulled what you see pictured here from my lint trap after blanket number one went through the dryer.


This is from one blanket. This is not built up over time. I clean out the lint trap with each load-I am totally anal about this.


This is disgusting. This is what I’ve been sleeping under.


This is pure fur.
The cats have managed to make a blanket for themselves out of their own fur.
It’s almost beautifully poetic, except that it is completely gross.

I almost didn’t show you this, for fear of judgement. But, it’s just too amazing though to keep to myself. I hope you enjoyed today’s “Gross Things-Volume 1”.

Don’t worry-there will be more Gross Things very soon.

written by

for the entire world. Deal with it.
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5 Responses to "Gross Things-Volume 1"

  1. Gwen says:

    the price of living with furry babes… Have you seen that book about making things with Cat Hair? It’s hysterical!

  2. Kelly says:

    Just think of it in the same way you would an Angora sweater. There is also a woman I saw somewhere on the net that will take your animals fur that you collect and she will spin it into ball of yarn…that would be ulitmate upcycling!

  3. Lindsey R. says:

    I totally feel your pain. Mmmmm. Cat fur blankets.

  4. Potholes & Pantyhose | Gross Things-(Final) Volume 4 says:

    […] will be the last installment of “Gross Things”. (Go here for Gross Things-Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3). Most of the flooring in our home are hard surfaces-either wood, tile or […]


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