Pretties for your Ocular Senses
The rain has been relentless these past few days and I love it. The rain reminds me of Europe, of comfort food, of cozy blankets and hot cups of tea.
Get your ocular’s ready. You are about to have an ocular freak-out session.
It also reminds me that right now my rain barrels are brimming with free water for my garden. Free. I love that word. (Learn how to make your own rain barrel here.)
But mostly, the rain just makes everything more beautiful. And I’d like to share with you three beauty shots that the rain had a part in creating.
Drizzly rain, hot coffee, a sandy beach and Biceps=the perfect San Diego morning.
I happened upon this plant in Scottsdale and have no idea what it’s named, or what it wants to be called-maybe Gerald, Harry or perhaps Monique-but whatever his/her name is, it’s unique leaf display caught my ocular’s.
This shot of the sun rising over California somewhere wasn’t enhanced, retouched, cropped or straightened. It’s Raw, baby.
And fantabulous.
Hope your ocular’s could handle this much beauty in one day. I’ll stop for now, just so you aren’t ocularly overloaded. I hope you enjoyed my “Pretties”.
You stopped too soon!! Those are awesome pics but just not enough of them! ;(
I’ll never get to finish reading your blog because I keep having too many interruptions! I had to stop and leave your blog hangin’ like forever and am just now getting back to it. People don’t count reading blogs as having a life or something! Geese!!
I was just going to say you should name the beautiful green plant Mae West because of the way it’s “stacked” up and big and full clear to the top!!
Whaddayathink? Just a suggestion!
I love this idea! Mae West it is!
[…] got a lot of flack for my post, “Pretties for your Ocular Senses“. There were comments on my site, facebook and twitter asking for more photos-saying there […]