Guest Post at House of Hepworth’s
I am guest posting over at House of Hepworth’s today!
My sweet friend, Allison, who has held my hand through many a blogging quandary, asked me to highlight a few projects. Of course, I happily obliged.
House of Hepworths is amazing-Allison highlights her craft, DIY, renovation and decorating projects with great tutorials and a great attitude. I just know you will love her blog as much as I do!
Stop on by today and tell Allison hello. Make sure you head back on over to her blog every Thursday where she hosts her linky party, “Hookin’ up with the House of Hepworths”.
Good Lordy, girl, you are hard to keep up with!!
I got your sweet email and I can’t believe your poor hubbs had to endure reading my comments to you!! Poooor thing! I guess now my secret is out to more than just one person you know! Yep, I’m looney as they come! I tell ya, I am older than dirt-as my father in law used to say about his gchildren, they were as heavy as a sack of dirt! That always cracked me up but I didn’t dare laugh or my hateful mother in law would have beaten me senseless. Oh maybe that’s what’s wrong with me! Ok, it’s not nice to speak of the dead—-yay, dead and gone!! Now let’s bow our head for a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny blip of silence for her. Oh, I am so going to hell, itt’s not even funny!! Please Lord, don’t send me to hell, you know how I hate to sweat~!!
I am well over old enough to be your mother, sweet beautiful Rebekah!! My son is 40 and I detest even saying that! I’ll tell you this and it’s not a lie either-honest-it’s not. Everyone says I look like I’m my gdaughter’s mother and my gdaughter is 16 yrs old!! Now I guess they’re all either liars or I am well preserved from all the crap I’ve started eating now that I REFUSE TO COOK ANY MORE AFTER ALMOST 44 yrs old cooking!! And I DID MORE than my fair share of it b/c I was a SAHM who worked at home teaching …well you know what already-classical piano and classical violin and loved to write music, too. I hate to cook now with a passion!! Used to love it & honestly the generation I grew up in, I felt it was my “duty” to do so-and wow my son (we only have one child living) -we lost a daughter and then had 2 miscarraiges which I could write a book about (everyone wants me to write one about my life-but it’s so full of tragedies that WHO WOULD EVER WANT TO READ THAT?? They all say-you can help others b/c you always have had such a great attitude about everything you went through…well whoa, whoa, whoa there buster!! Who says I took those horrible things that happened and had a smile plasterd on my face all the time? They just saw me after I took the shot of morphine or the morphine-watered down version of it!! Yep, I had to have more than my share of that-and it’s a miracle I didn’t get hooked on prescription drugs-now that would make a better book or story! But here I am as usual-jumping allllll over the place with my writing…see why I don’t have a blog?? I would wear everyone out and they would be so confused and just never come back and I also could sit and write all day-and really never say what I deem to be worthy of reading!!
OK-so I got sick of cooking after my hubby retired and we moved out of the Dallas Metroplex to E. Texas where I am like a fish out of water!! I thought after soooooo many years I would end up loving it here-but instead, I hate it!! YES, I LOVE the home we built and the property we bought and it IS gorgeous here!! But you know-I had VERY LITTLE FAMILY and both my parents died way too early (my father had a massive heart attack when he was 56 and my poor mother lived to be 63 but the last 9 yrsof it were horrible! HORRIBLE~!!!! She at least wasn’t aware of what was going on and that’s enough to say about that. My so called “new” family (that’s my hubby’s family here which is big and more than enough of them!!) are all “country people” and the kind that do not EVER consider you anything but an outsider if you lived or grew up in the city!! I’m a city-gal they say-and therefore evidenly good for nothing!! These are the people who occopy most of the seats in the chruch, too!! Our little chruch is one that my hubby’s ggfather built and was 1st pastor of, then his gfather was next pastor and God love him, my father in law didn’t preach!! He was one of the sweetest men God ever let live!! My hubby (PTL) isjust like him and he has NO TEMPER and my father in law didn’t either and he NEVER got to say anything b/c if he tried, my mother in law ran alllllll over him and he just shut up and let her hold the floor….I know you are just LOVING THIS WONDERFUL LITTLE STORY—ha!! Ok-so I had a witch for a MIL but a saint for a FIL~!! No use in writing 20 pages (could write much more) about them…they’re gone and the way my pooooor father in law died was just horrible and criminal and NOTHING WAS EVER DONE ABOUT THE PERSON (A kid high on drugs ran over him in the cross walk at Wal Mart in Canton!! No kidding-and on a day when they were having a safety fair in the parking lot, too-no kidding!!!!) and this kid zoomed up the aisle and hit my father in law sooooo hard and going so fast that it knocked him sooo far from where he hit him-it was ridiculous and it knocked the teeth (well not ALL of them but all the ones in front) out of his head!! The law here is sooooo crooked and could have cared less and almost the SAME thing happend to my hubby’s brother only one mile from wal mart-too!! No-it’s not a lie nor is it a joke….and see why everyone thinks I should write a story or at least a book about it-well those are only things that happened to the OTHER SIDE of my family-the one I married into. I haven’t even touched on things that have happened to me except for losing our baby daughter!!
Well, okay so years went by and thankfully my hubby loves to cook and used to dabble in it now and then back when he worked for a very big oil company downtown Dallas before he retiredat only 49 yrs old!! They decided to move out of Dallas and he headed up the whole move b/c he was the only person left they hadn’t fired around his age b/c they knew he was the only smart one and he IS a genius-he really is-and they knew he was and why he kept his job-when others his age and older got the boot and not even good package retirement packages to go with them!! Uhhh..ummm…errr….dare I say what company it is? Well maybe it will slip out sometime!! At least they paid my hubby an INSANE amount of money per hour for TWO YEARS to clear up everything and get moved out-lock, stock and barrel~!! They couldn’t see the ARCO (now BP)…oopsie…) though-but that was of no concern to my hubs~!! He got his money and he also is a penny pencher to the max just like his mom and dad were-b/c they had to back when they lived on a farm trying to make a living!! That generation in the country had to work very hard for very little-he did not come from a wealthy family!! I just love to hear stories of how he torchered his mother with snakes and trying to bring them into the house-which was THE ONLY THING ON EARTH SHE WAS AFRAID OF…absolutely the ONLY THING~!!!! So I find it very funny how he tried to sneak into windows and everything to get in the house with a snake but I am terrifiedof them, also-but I’m also scared of a lot of critters out here-remember-I’m NOT anything but a city-gal…not worth two cents!!
See, when you get this far into writing (well I’m sure it never happens to you..b/c you’re not m y age which is 64 (and yes I DID get a tattoo at age 60 which is a sweet little heart that all filled in and kind of fat like-not slender looking or sharp pointed-and it’s pink lined with light navy blue..and has the center out of it-just a lil bit~! I LOVE IT and wanted a cross the next year…OH YEAH…it’s on my left foot down pointing to my pinky toe-Have I already written this??? See? First the memory-not the eyes…goesall to hell (what? did I say that?? Gawd- I hope none of my hub’s family is looking at this but I highly doubt it!! Mercy!! So Sorry!!) with age!!) anyway-it’s just too cute for words and I had it placed so when I wear flip flops or high heels (now that’s a lie-I NEVER wear realllllly high heels b/c I’m too self conscious b/c I feel like a giant-b/c I’m 5’8″ tall and always have been! Yep, born 5’8″ with legs that start right under my neck!! Ok-again I’m lying…I wasn’t quite that long when I was born but I felt like it the first day of school and ever since b/c I’m skinny and my arms and legs look like strings with knots tied in them!! That’s NOT a lie!!). Are you keeping up?? WAKIE-WAKIE…get up!! Do you want me to throw a mini tantrum?? I’m good at those!! Ok-I’ll settle down and that will be my LAST cup of Latte for the day-think 7 is enough now…and has maybe caused me to be a bit jittery here!!
Well the tattoo is adorable and I love it so much but now God saw fit this last birthday to give me a whole bunch of broken veins in my skinny feet and I am NOT HAPPY WITH THEM….I never knew they came with age!! I nearly died the day they appeared out of the blue-no kidding, one day not there-and nice looking feet…the next a whole ton of broken veins…and wrinkles (not many but a few) with veins that are soooooo blue-they cannot be missed but thankfully they’re NOT on the top or front part of my foot-they’re towards the back part and allll around my ankles!! I wanted to have a cross tattoo the next year after I got the heart I had to BEG my hubs to let me have-b/c he says it says in the Bible we’re not supposed to mark our bodies (gosh…no fair!!) but he gave in to my crying every day and throwing tantrums-and not the mini kind, either, but maxi ones!! I GOT THE TATTOO and still love it…but I wanted a cross the next year and my hubbys said-“You know, your little heart tattoo is really cute and it looks sweet on you and I like it and I think it’s fine but for you… tattoo is nice…..but TWO ARE TRASHY …….for YOU~!! Hmmmmm!! I must say-I was speechless for a bit…One is pretty and cute and sweet-but a cross is TRASHY??? Oh come on-you have to do better than that, I told him…but he said NOPE…I DON’T WANT YOU TO GET ANOTHER ONE~!! He NEVER asks me to do ANYTHING FOR HIM…..he honestly is the best man on earth-and he never wants for anything-it takes so little to make him happy-it’s unreal…and he would eat dirt if I served it to him UT I DON’T COOK!!!! Not even dirt! I CAN microwave but that’s it and it has to be ready made-not something I am making!! Since he NEVER complains about anything and I kid you not-he has NO TEMPER…just exactly like his father-and NO I DO NOT TALK OVER HIM or beat him down talking and never gripe at him…he’s the most wonderful man on earth-I swear, I got the last good one and then they broke the mold and I know that’s reeeeeeeeeally telling and showing my stupidity and my age-but I do feel that way about my hubby~!! So I never mentioned the tattoo again!! I will always remain a one tatoo-old lady!! lol Only don’t forget, everyone including my gdaughter who tells it like it is…says I don’t look a day over 30-and to her that’s ancient~!! But she DOES love me more than a sack of dirt!!
She’s a city gal too-and hates the country but grew up out here when she was little b/c my son and DIL were soooooooo good to let us have her allllll we wanted to have her which was alllllllll the time-and she did grow up out here!! Our son was working hard on building his rep as a well known around Dallas musician and if he didn’t insist that we bring our gdaughter home-I guess we never would have!! I loved that child more than life itself and still do~!! She’s something else-and a wonderful girl and I’m so thankful she’s a really strong Christian, too!! Yes, I put in my time working at churches when our son was growing up and I have put in many hours at the church here-but I never loved this one like the others…and having our son take part in all of the Youth activities-but he became so popular with being able to master the saxophone better than Kenny G could…at such a young age–we were sooooo proud of him and all his accomplishments and then came along his daughter who did the same thing-but she doesn’t seek to become a singer any longer —boo hoo!! I’m actually glad, though. I had to go through a ton of gray hairs (that’s a big lie…only started coloring my hair about 3 yrs ago and only have a few silver hairs just on the very top of my head so far but hope God’s not listening…and doesn’t give me more for my next bday!!) but she aspires to become a Neo-Natal nurse and I KNOW she’ll make a great one!! She has a heart of gold and she will make a fine nurse and love those babies and she wants to work with helping the parents too-that have the premature babies. She’s a wonderful gdaughter and like a daughter to me…she sends me wwwwayyyyy too many text messages I refuse to answer-I don’t want text messaging, twitter of Facbook…but DO have FB but ONLY keep up with my son and gdaughter on it!!
Now I have to go and read today’s post-if I can find it! I can’t ever find anything on here I am looking for…that’s age for you-or is it stupidity??? DO NOT ANSWER THAT~!! I think I know the answer. And Rebekah, please don’t post this mess!! It’s awful and just for you…nobody wants to read this mess!! You either, if you have any sense left….and yea, we both seem a bit crazy but we know we’re not…that’s all that matters…oops..I’m lying again…I’m not sure I’m not crazy but I COULD tell you a HORRIFYING story about that-that happened to me that almost DID make me lose my mind!! Let me just end by saying I got attacked by a doctor-at the hospital….and they do NOT take your word for things down here when things like that happen-told you about the law and how they take up for the bad guys-we know that for a fact!! Well, that doctor tried to tell them I WAS CRAZY and they shipped me off to a nut house-or looney bin-and I had no choice in it-and my poor hubby was trying to get hold of his best friend who’s the D.A. and get me out of there-before I even got there-but it almost KILLED ME to have to go through what I did there…and I was there for almost alllllll night long-and I WILL NEVER FORGET IT and it took a lot of counseling to get through that but if you don’t have a Christian counselor-you’re just wasting your money, I will say that much…
Ok-now to see that bathroom and the blogs I have listed as Savvy Seasons and Cheap Chic are strictly b/c I love to see what they make out of nothing sometimes-and those women are very talented and everyone tells me I’m talented with making things-I have sold a lot of paintings and made a ton of crafts for gifts and to sell…and I love making things-but now….I am stuck on playing on the computer and addicted to Mahjong and have enough decorations for a home that’s right about 9000 sq ft-and don’t need any more and have to hire help to put everyhing up as it is-it’s a huge job…but I still love seeing what others make-and my taste runs in every direction, of course-I’m a Gemini~split personality…!! I just go cold chills when I wrote that-b/c I mentioned the story about what happened to me when they tired to say I WAS really “crazy” ….it hits me when I think about it-how horrible that was…you cannot in your wildest dreams imagine what that was like-I had truly insane people coming up to me trying to touch me and wanted to talk to me right in my face-and I was literally horrified and cried alllllll the way over to Tyler where they took me-and it took my hubby and Chris (our good friend who is the D.A. here in our county) all night to get me out of there-but by then, I WAS BEGINNING to learn how to hide from those looney people but shook so hard I thought I’d die-and I had no meds to take that I MUST TAKE at night-b/c of rare lung diseases I got b/c of asthma and allergies-and I have really high blood pressure-and had NO pill to take and mine blood pressure spiked really high right before I got out of there-and I had a mini-stroke!! That’s just one horrible memory-I ended up having 2 more mini strokes when they hospitalized me in Tyler…from everything I went through but my hubby never left my side-I clung to him for dear life-and even when sedated which I HAD to be by the time they finally got me out of there-and after having the 1st mini stroke…I almost died then…that was bad enough-but it got worse. Ok-now not so funny, eh?? Well it’s all over with-and as I said just a horrible memory-but I have soooo many things like that I could tell you about and that’s why my best friend and my sister in law both think I should write a book and I don’t even want to get into having to tell the details of it-again to anyone really-I will have ONLY told my hubby the REAL details of everything-but I will tell the world about what happened b/c it can happen to anyone if it happened to me…never let a doctor come into a room where you are alone…without a nurse or another doctor-and for me-I would want a female along-not another man!! But that’s just me!!
Ok-I’m off to see the wizard…oh that’s not right….I’m off to read your blog entry (if I can find it-I swear I can never do anything right any more) but will have to answer you about it tomorrow b/c hubs just came in-and we have a movie to watch and we’re going to our son’s house tomorrow (not early though-I NEVER do early-can’t imagine talking on the phone to your mom at 7am…but you’re young and can do that-I used to get up at 5:30am to fix hubby’s breakfast and then wake up my son for school and feed him-and then have a nice dinner on the table by 5pm m-f til our son got into middle and high school-then he was out somewhere playing that sax with everyone in Dallas it seemed like or our house was FULL of kids where we lived in Rowlett on Lake Ray Hubbard-and we loved it there…and I WISH we STILL lived there!! But-we don’t and I h.a.t.e. it out here…only b/c it’s way too far to go 12 mi just to go to the store-and there’s nowhere to shop unless you go clear to Dallas-(about 60 mi North) or an hour to the East in Tyler and I love Tyler but our son lives in Dallas-and I’d rather go there-but NOT to shop any more-the traffic is just tooooo crazy on N. 635 and Central expressway!! I am horrified of it and I have my reasons for that, too-which is another tragic story and why we don’t have one baby we lost…ok-leaving on that note…sure you’ve heard enough about all of that and I hate for you to have to hear about those times but THEY ARE what my life is……and maybe why I’m just a bit crazy…lol!! I love that you recognize I’m not sane, too!!
Way to go-I had to hold my side when you said I was so sweet-HA HA HA HA HA HA-HAH~!! Me sweet? Oh mercy-you poor thing!!
Now I feel bad. I’m sweet sometimes…lol See? Gemini just gets hold of me and splits me in two…!! And I don’t even believe in all that crap!! lol I do and I don’t…how’s that?….Perfect!! Give the kitties a kiss from me-I’m taking Izzie with us tomorrow….we never leave her home alone…she would just die!!
OH yes-your computer dude–at least mine is my son and already hates me!! lol That’s a lie!! But I KNOW he gets tired of me making him fix something I’ve messed up but he or Danielle (my gdaughter) can always fix anything like I mess up!! And your problem is called an ID10T problem….haven’t you heard of that? Well, that’s how you pronounce it- but if you write it out-it’s what (this is what my sweet son told me) it’s written: Idiot……that’s the problem!! LOL!! Gotcha!!
He said he and Danielle call it that all the time when people can’t fix their computers…but they tease each other and NEVER mean any harm and would NEVER say it to anyone but me to make me have to hold on to my sides and tell them NOT TO MAKE ME LAUGH b/c if I run out of air-I cannot breathe-and then I could have an attack and if I have an asthma attack-I may be done for~!! No kidding-I need a lung transplant for my right lung but if I don’t get it soon-it will be too late for that lung but the other one’s not so good either…and Danielle and Marshall can make me laugh till I cannot stop….and she loves to come and stay with us and she always sleeps in our bed with me and hubby sleeps in another room and has since she was about 2 yrs old-and we stay up all night and talk, watch things I’ve taped or dvd’s and laugh till we both cry and I have to MAKE HER STOP MAKING ME LAUGH and she’ll get up and run to another room-so she won’t keep laughing b/c she’s that age that EVERYTHING seems funny to her-and she got sent to the counselor once this year for laughing at some kid she said is stupid—and she NEVER uses that word but she says he is-and not in a bad way-he’s not retarded..but she says he just asks the most stupid questions ever-and they make her laugh and she CANNOT STOP laughing-he sits right behind her-and she says she knows her teacher in that class can see her whole body shaking when she’s trying to hold in her laughter-and she has to ask for a hall pass to go to the restroom so she can die laughing and get it out…!! Poor child!! She cannot help it and she says she’s not the only one that way-everyone laughs at him but she can’t stop…but since going to the office she doesn’t want that on her record…so she’s trying hard to stop it-but she laughs when we get together and she LOVES to come and stay with us-we have a a lof of fun-and for a 16 yr old to still love to come to her gparents home takes a special kid-I think!! But then I do pay her a lot!! LOL~!! Now I’m laughing b/c that’s the truth!! I’ve ALWAYS bought ALL of her clothes and shoes and everything like that-but now I just send a check to her account b/c I can’t shop with her any more or I’ll end up in the hospital…just can’t do that any more but she STILL wants to come and be with me-and we have sooooo much fun and we laugh till we make ourselves sick..and then we sleep all the next morning till about noonish or later-and then if I can-we’ll go shop for a couple of hours-in Tyler and if not-we’ll go the next day…I love her to come here-and she can’t during the school year b/c I honestly can’t sleep right next to her-b/c of not being able to take the flu shot again this year-or it would kill me! Toooo much to go into-and I know you’re sick of this by now…now?? Long time ago!
Yes, you crack me up and I DO “get” you….I think you just can’t predict why some people have a lot of people read their blogs but I know one girl who is a great writer and she made hers bigger by having “Giveaways” and that draws a ton of people…and she’s determined to get readers and she says she’s a real snob when it comes to writing and I didn’t really care for that-and she says she judges people and I didn’t think she had to say that-so I stopped reading it b/c she also wanted numbers b/c she swears some day she’s going to write books-and she brags way too much about herself and she really doesn’t have to..but she was lacking in friends and I could see why-but she finally found some to have-and I wonder why she has NONE from childhood and never speaks about her friends from childhood and says she had NO FRIENDS going to college either-and she was ILL and didn’t even go to her college graduation b/c she was so mad that she didn’t get a 4.0 b/c of one paper she did-and she said it was b/c she had to work with “people” is why she didn’t get an A on that paper-and she hates that teacher and was disgusted with the whole college and at everyone I think-b/c she didn’t grad with a 4.0 but mighty close-I don’t even know why she thinks that’s so bad…I’d think she’d be happy but she’s happy how b/c she met a guy who’s rich and takes care of her and now she doesn’t have to work and she can shop for the first time and buy whatever she wants…and she asks everyon go link up to her blog and sets down soooooo many rules to tie her blog to other places-to get people to read hers!! She wants to have and says her blog is the best one out there now and then but everyone is crazy about her b/c she’s pretty and tiny-she’s really small but has a ton of hair-and I think she also has some added to it if you ask me-but don’t ask me-cos I don’t care about her any more. She can be funny too-but I just got tired of style shows only and she will say she can’t read your blog but she wants you to read hers! She says that she has too many to read-but expects everyon to read hers…I don’t think that’s right..but to each his own!!
Ok-have to go see what movie we watch and hope it’s not scray like the tv program I watched last night late-and scared myself to pieces!! I told Bert I have to STOP reading scary ones sooo late at night b/c we live out here in the middle of nowhere-and I worry about somebody going over the security gates and going through the woods to get into our house or be in here when we come home or I come home alone-see…watching way too much scary tv-and going to cause myself to have a heart attack watching it!! lol
Byeeeeee for now..will read your post after the movie and then tell you tomorrow about your craft project…I love to see them…and excuse all the mistakes-I’m only typing about 200wpm and just don’t have time to slow down!!
Again just hit delete any time you’re reading things from me….I will understand….hahhaa!! How will I ever know anyway??…lol!! I WILL read your blog though-if I can ever find today’s entry…I have to call my computer guy-lol Better not-have to go see him tomorrow-and take my iPad2 and see why I have a prob with it…sure it’s that problem he and Danielle say it always is, though!!
I left a few comments where you guest posted! Great job and wow I would love to have that broken mirror but I’d never get it to look perfect. You think just any ole way of breaking that mirror’s gonna look good? Think again! Betcha I could mess it up!! Then years and years of bad luck and I cannot afford any more much less live long enough to break 7 or 8 more then live long enough to work out all that bad luck!!
I was speechless over the bag that looks like overalls…or some people call them overhauls. Whatever. I’m sorry but I’ve been told I’ll never be a “country” girl-not a “true” one-I’m JUST a city gal….so I am not a lover or anything that resembles overalls!! Never would make or carry a bag like it-sorry. Sure it would look cute on someone else, though.
I still cannot find allllllllll the food you made! Saw pics of it but can’t make it come up….man I could almost lick the monitor! Is that allowed!??…Okay I’ll do it, then!!
Forgot-going to son’s house in N. Dallas tomorrow-so won’t be reading anything or any blogs tomorrow. May have to rest all day Sunday, too, after a trip to Dallas tomorrow.
I’ll be praying for you-and please pray we make it to my son’s home and to where we’ll be going alllllllllllllllll over those freeways up there to eat out and shop and then to come home on Interstate 20 will be a miracle if we make it home okay!! No kidding. I’m paranoid about being out on the highway-and will maybe some day tell you why-but it’s a long story and I know how much you love (ha!) my long stories…I told you, I don’t know HOW to do “short”…but did this fairly well…cos I’m out of caffeine…that’s why….only 7 Latte’s today and too late now to start another one…my heart’s going to explode some day from going overboard on them but since we live an hour’s drive from Starbucks, I make my own at home and tried the new Hazelnut Duncan Donut coffee plus all the other stuff I add to it-I could never eat and sit and drink it by the gallons!! Sure is a lot of saved money making your own, too! Kind of good that we don’t have a Starbucks near us…good excuse to spend money somewhere else…it works for me!
Blessings to you and yours!