Canning & Making Jalapeno Pepper Jelly
This year, the garden produced more jalapeno’s than I knew what to do with. I dehydrated a large bagful, blanched another bag, and then gave some away. With the rest, I wanted to make as much Jalapeno Pepper Jelly that I could afford and then pickle the rest (I’ll share the pickling tutorial later on, don’t you worry your pretty little head.)
Today, let’s focus on this tasty Jalapeno Pepper Jelly recipe.
Here’s what you’ll need to make your own Jalapeno Pepper Jelly:
12 Cups of White Sugar
4 Cups of Apple Cider Vinegar
4 packets of Liquid Pectin (I use Ball’s-they come two packets in a box)
24+ medium sized jalapeno peppers
8-9 pint Canning jars, lids and bands
You’ll want to invest in a nice set of canning instruments, too. A set usually includes a wide mouth funnel, tongs, magnetic tipped lid retriever, and a jar lifter.
First things first-wash your jars, lids and bands in hot soapy water. Rinse well. Add the jars, lids and bands to a large pot of water.
Bring to water just to boiling, then decrease the temp to allow the pot to be constantly hot (low to medium low) while you are making the jelly.
Fill your canner halfway with water, loosely place the lid on top and bring the water to boil. Turn the heat down to medium with the lid still loosely covered.
While wearing GLOVES, slice the stems from your peppers. Slice them in half and remove the seeds.
Place the seeded peppers in the blender with half (2 Cups) of the vinegar.
Puree until it’s smooth. You’ll have chunks of peppers floating around still. Don’t worry. That’s normal.
Measure the 12 Cups of Sugar and dump it all into a large pot. Add the remaining 2 Cups of Vinegar, and the pureed peppers.
Turn the heat to high, bringing to a boil. Stir constantly, bringing the sugar up to the top and blending the ingredients together. Boil for 10 minutes, bringing to a rolling boil.
While you are waiting for your jelly to boil, retrieve your lids and jars, placing them on a clean dish towel.
After the mixture has boiled for 10 minutes, pour the four packets of Pectin into the center of the pot.
Stir the pectin into the pepper mixture, returning the mixture to a hard boil for one minute.
Pour the mixture into your hot jars using the wide mouth funnel. Fill the jar until it’s 1/4 inch away from the top. Wipe the top of the jar with a clean cloth, removing any drips.
Hand tighten the lids and bands on the jar. Don’t get crazy and over tighten.
Place your sealed jars into the canner. Put the lid of the canner on tight and bring the water to a boil.
Boil for ten minutes and have a glass of wine.
After ten minutes of boiling, carefully remove the canner lid away from your face and using hot pads over the handles. Turn the heat off and let the jars sit for five minutes or so.
Remove the jars with the jar lifter and place on a tea towel. As the jars cool, the lids will make a popping noise, ensuring your worrisome brain that there is a seal in place.
Add some cream cheese on a plate, dollop the pepper jelly on top and scoop it all into your mouth with a wheat thin. This, my dears, is heaven.
I have a Paula Deen recipe that calls for pepper jelly. A homemade version would make it so much better! You should come and enter my Vanilla Bean Paste giveaway
Rebekah, wanted to let you know that I’ve awarded you and your blog The Liebster Award! Go to this post to find out how to accept,
New follower! xo – Lori
I used to make pepper jelly and loved it SO much! I used every pepper left in the garden! I can just taste it….yummy! ♥
The recipe and your directions are wonderful. I love that jelly over cream cheese with crackers. f don’t grow these peppers, (considering it seriously) can they be found at the grocery store? I am a jelly maker so this all sounds like I can do this. (seriously considering this project) smile.
Thank you for a terrific tutorial.
Hugs, Jeanne
After talking it over with my mother-in-law, we both agree that buying canned jalapenos would definitely not work. But if they are fresh jalapenos-raw form-this would work. They may not have as much flavor as growing your own-but the recipe could be reproduced with these without any alterations. Let me know how it works for you!
Very informative!
Thanks so much for linking to 2nd Time Around!
Great minds think alike!
P.S. GREAT tutorial.
I’ll check it out! Thanks!
We have a crop of jalapenos just finishing right now. I’m keeping my eye out for good recipes. This looks great. My only question…what does it taste like??
Heaven in a jar….
It’s got the great mixture of sweet and spicy. One of my favorite treats in the middle of the day!
sounds delicious my mother always loves to give gifts from kitchen and I am taking time this year to do some of that this year as well come see me at
Now that I have seen this, it’s what I want to do for neighbor’s Christmas gifts! Thank you for inspiring! Well done!
Jalapeno jelly is one of my favorite things ever!
Oh, baby-is it ever delicious!
[…] how to make your own Jalapeno Pepper Jelly at Potholes & Pantyhose. I LOVE jalapeno jelly. It sounds gross, but it is so […]
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Allison @ House of Hepworths
You are awesome! I am on my way!
Thank you so much for sharing last week and hope to see you again!
I really am going to try this one.
Mmmmm! You’ve been featured.
Please come over and link up – if for no other reason than so I can find this terrific post when I need it! I love this stuff poured over cream cheese and served with wheat thins! Yummy! Nom, nom, nom!
[…] tutorial on Canning Jalapeno Pepper Jelly received more responses than I had anticipated. The recipe is very simple-and if you don’t […]
[…] making enough Jalapeno Pepper Jelly to feed a small army, I still had more jalapenos than I could handle. I then dehydrated a large […]
[…] good. In fact, if you are ever in the area-look me up. We’ll start off with my homemade Jalapeno Jelly, Cream Cheese and Crackers. Then, we’ll move on to a yummy Whole Wheat Pizza or maybe Sesame […]
[…] a garden without you? Not only will I dehydrate you and can you, but I will be making sweet, sweet Jalapeno Jelly out of you. (Geez, what were you […]